right I'm posting this initially to find out how much interest there would be for a meet in the Durham area.
No date set up to now and I must stress that it would be a purely SOCIAL meet ONLY.
Please have a think and post here if you are genuinely interested.
if it was in durham city then i would certainly be up for that, haven't been drinking there in years... anywhere south of there would personally be a logistical nightmere...especially if it was during the week....
but i would definatly be interested...
sean xxxxxxxx
Go on then bonnie lass put me down, depends on date but should be ok.
we wud be up 4 that. sounds good will keep a look out for more details or PM us rach an ste
Social Drinkies in Durham.............. sounds great to me........... but would need to know the dates and check with Steve....
Love to come along lil_bunny just keep me posted .
As I said don't know durham well but supposed to be a good night out
Depending on dates, we would risk a trip to Durham. Do we need passports?
J & S
I would be up for that, depending upon the dates
Yes count me in durham is great night out.......just let me know the details
i will be up for a meet in durham lil-bunny depending on the dates.
no date set yet but given time there might be a bit more interest (hopefully lol)
So much for more interest....lol
The thread keeps getting further and further down the listings...
It was on page 3 just now....
Where are all the north east peeps I keep seeing on the site?
Quick .... get yer names down and keep the thread alive til we get something sorted..
we would like to tag along if it all comes off. sounds like fun mixing with lots of like minded people.
Hi babe,
Have u decided when and where yet ??? coz the sooner you know and post it.............. the sooner you will get a real response for people who want to go !!!!
Many people have kids and commitments that mean they cant do certain nights or weekends etc................. so pick a date and post it !!! lol
Good luck... would be nice to meet up with other northerners !!!!
I would be interested in coming along depending on dates!! and if I can get there and back safely!!
Count me in... it'd almost be on my doorstep, considering how far some of the munches/ socials are!
May not be able to drink as may have to drive back same night, but I am in!
(and nowt wrong is there with a bit of a "bump" now and then , to get it up there on page one of LMU????)