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A Social party in May??

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2 watchers
Quote by johneboy
Marcuso........ stick me down on your list please, I'm sure there's a few who will vouch for me :shock:

i'll vouch for him.....
he's a git don't let him come lol :lol:
Just had a flick through and cant see a request from me n Demon to come redface
Hope I'm not too late..
Can we please biggrin
I have not been to a party..........yet.
Been to a social though, met a few fellow SH members, sooo, would be nice to come along, I ain't too far away, Sheffield is but a hop skip and a jump, so, if I am welcome, I would like to come along, actually, it's my b'day on the 23rd of May, so, this would make an ideal early b'day party for me.
So, any chance of me being allowed to come ?
Quote by naughtynymphos1
Marcuso........ stick me down on your list please, I'm sure there's a few who will vouch for me :shock:

i'll vouch for him.....
he's a git don't let him come lol :lol:
That don't say a lot for him then eh??
I'll stick him on the list
Quote by PeBbLeSDeMoN
Just had a flick through and cant see a request from me n Demon to come redface
Hope I'm not too late..
Can we please biggrin

Course you can. you're on the list
Quote by kry10
I have not been to a party..........yet.
Been to a social though, met a few fellow SH members, sooo, would be nice to come along, I ain't too far away, Sheffield is but a hop skip and a jump, so, if I am welcome, I would like to come along, actually, it's my b'day on the 23rd of May, so, this would make an ideal early b'day party for me.
So, any chance of me being allowed to come ?

Let me know who knows you via PM and I'll stick you on the list
After meeting you on sat night, we'd love to come! Promise we wont be as shy as we were on sat! wink
page 2 ffs... shameless bump
Quote by stuartrossy1
After meeting you on sat night, we'd love to come! Promise we wont be as shy as we were on sat! wink

Wow please invite these marcuso mate I love goths I think I am a closet goth you know!!!
they know some good goth web sites as well !!!!!
Hi neighbour any chance of an invite?(Lynda says you dont get served in the club if ya dont )lol Dave-Lynda xxxxx (formally DandL)
Hi neighbour any chance of an invite?(Lynda says you dont get served in the club if ya dont )lol Dave-Lynda xxxxx (formally DandL)
Quote by kry10
I have not been to a party..........yet.
Been to a social though, met a few fellow SH members, sooo, would be nice to come along, I ain't too far away, Sheffield is but a hop skip and a jump, so, if I am welcome, I would like to come along, actually, it's my b'day on the 23rd of May, so, this would make an ideal early b'day party for me.
So, any chance of me being allowed to come ?

Got the PM mate, and you're on the list......... biggrin
Quote by LeedsGothCouple
After meeting you on sat night, we'd love to come! Promise we wont be as shy as we were on sat! wink

Oh go on then......but only if you promise to leave the cleavage as it was last
Quote by LeedsGothCouple
After meeting you on sat night, we'd love to come! Promise we wont be as shy as we were on sat! :wink:

Wow please invite these marcuso mate I love goths I think I am a closet goth you know!!!
they know some good goth web sites as well !!!!!
lol thanks but I think I am a closet corriefem fan also lol so I am torn between the two :twisted: lol
Well....I'm definitely not in the closet when it comes to being a corriefem fan. LOVE ya loads corrie and you're always more than welcome babes.
(Now where did I put that turkey baster) :twisted:
Quote by Dave-lynda
Hi neighbour any chance of an invite?(Lynda says you dont get served in the club if ya dont )lol Dave-Lynda xxxxx (formally DandL) she trying to bribe me??
Oh go on then, but tell her she owes me a free beer in the
hya we are friends of DandL we would like to cum to your party if u not sure and like to know more about us see L luv jankevxxx
Quote by jankev
hya we are friends of DandL we would like to cum to your party if u not sure and like to know more about us see L luv jankevxxx

No problem jankev. I might even already know you myself if you know DandL
Don't worry, the cleavege will be just how it looked, maybe even better!
Thankyou stuartrossy1, can you believe some people are scared of us? lol
And corriefem, we know far too many goth web bank account is evidence of that! biggrin
Quote by LeedsGothCouple
Don't worry, the cleavege will be just how it looked, maybe even better!
Thankyou stuartrossy1, can you believe some people are scared of us? lol
And corriefem, we know far too many goth web bank account is evidence of that! biggrin

I can, cos ya nearly scared me out of my
I dont think I have actually asked if I can come to this one hahahahaha but can I !!!!!!!! xxx
Quote by corriefem
I dont think I have actually asked if I can come to this one hahahahaha but can I !!!!!!!! xxx

Sweetheart, you know you're always welcome at mine.
You're on the list biggrin :D
One of these days I'm gonna get to one of your partys. Unfortunately this time Bernie will be in Peru and my sister has decided to get married on that day so maybe next time mate. cool
Can you stick my name down for the party please Marc, if I'm not too late...........and the afters party.............and some kipping space if available.
Don't want much do I ??? lol :lol:
Quote by Bassman
One of these days I'm gonna get to one of your partys. Unfortunately this time Bernie will be in Peru and my sister has decided to get married on that day so maybe next time mate. cool

Not a problem mate.
Are you both free in July?
You'd be more than welcome at a little gathering that I'm having then.
And if I wasn't throwing this party I'd be PMing you touting for the photographers
(Tell Bernie if she wants me to auction my shorts off for her charity then I'd be more than happy to do so)
Quote by Nomad_Soul
Can you stick my name down for the party please Marc, if I'm not too late...........and the afters party.............and some kipping space if available.
Don't want much do I ??? lol :lol:

OMG!!! ain't asking for much eh mate?
I might be sticking the Gazebo up if the weather is ok. You fancy coming and giving me a hand? :lol:
Is it just you or are there 2 of you?
shameless BUMP
How did I manage to miss this? dunno
Is there room for a not so little one please? lol biggrin
Quote by Alleyson
How did I manage to miss this? dunno
Is there room for a not so little one please? lol biggrin

You know you're always welcome sweetheart.
xx xx
Now hold on a cotton picking minute here
Why have I only just stumbled on this ??
Mracuso - a party yes please - If I may ???
Hi Marc,
Can you put me and Bartdutch down please darlin??
Suze xxxx
Hi Marc,
Can you put me and Bartdutch down please darlin??
Suze xxxx
Quote by martellnotts
Now hold on a cotton picking minute here
Why have I only just stumbled on this ??
Mracuso - a party yes please - If I may ???

Wouldn't be the same without you mate.
You're on the list
Quote by Suze43
Hi Marc,
Can you put me and Bartdutch down please darlin??
Suze xxxx

Quote by Suze43
Hi Marc,
Can you put me and Bartdutch down please darlin??
Suze xxxx

You got a stutter babes??
No need to ask twice unless you'd like to come twice biggrin :D
You're both on the list babes
xx xx
sorry Marcuso,cant come to the party.
hope you all have a great time
tina xxx
Quote by cuddly-catlin
sorry Marcuso,cant come to the party.
hope you all have a great time
tina xxx

Sorry to hear that Tina.
Unashamed BUMP
Hi Marcuso, I would like to join in this party please, if that's okay.