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A Social party in May??

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280 replies
2 watchers
Quote by kazswallows
Hey you, you havent cleared that with your secretary!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Usual paperwork and badges required hun?

Or with the DJ!!!!!!!...If you require my sevices of course rolleyes :roll:
Quote by Darkfire
FFS! rolleyes :roll:
I had to actaully enter the dreaded realm of the PM box to find out about this! redface :roll: surprisedops:
and here I am.....on page two :shock:
but stick me down anyway please lol

You and me both hun!!! We'll have to get our acts together to be Numbers 1 + 2 on the list in future!!!
Luv Alex_Deejay xxx XXX
Quote by AlexClaireSX
Hey you, you havent cleared that with your secretary!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Usual paperwork and badges required hun?

Or with the DJ!!!!!!!...If you require my sevices of course rolleyes :roll:
Of course I require your services mate. Didn't the secretary send you a memo?
Oh, I can see I'm going to have to give her a pay cut. :twisted:
There's one on 1st July too you know.
thank you babes, if the invite to your bed was serious id be very flattered and take you up on it , but im thinking it will probally be pretty full already knowing you lol :twisted:
if there is anyone on route that would like to attend and marcuso would like there that neds a lift give me a shout , im heading from cornwall.
xxxx lou xxxx
Quote by fem_4_taboo
thank you babes, if the invite to your bed was serious id be very flattered and take you up on it , but im thinking it will probally be pretty full already knowing you lol :twisted:
if there is anyone on route that would like to attend and marcuso would like there that neds a lift give me a shout , im heading from cornwall.
xxxx lou xxxx

Don't be too flattered babes. I snore and fidget when I sleep. Especially after 15
Humph!!...Are you saying I'm a tart? smackbottom
That will be across the A30, then up the M5, then across the M42 and then up the M1 eh babes?
Oh! and while I remember.......I've still got that pin you wanted. biggrin
xx xx
i know about as much as the A30 lol, past that im lost.
i will go and get directions from rac though.
:twisted: so what victims have you got lined up for me then ?? lol
oh yes the pin, i will wear it with pride once i have it , although i dont think anyone else in cornwall will have one.
xxx lou xxx
Quote by fem_4_taboo
i know about as much as the A30 lol, past that im lost.
Straight off the A30 onto the M5 babes
i will go and get directions from rac though.
:twisted: so what victims have you got lined up for me then ?? lol
I think I might just be victim enough for you young
oh yes the pin, i will wear it with pride once i have it , although i dont think anyone else in cornwall will have one.
Haven't you met The Muttleys then? smile
xxx lou xxx
oh yeah corse i have, sorry mutleys. kiss
so am i in your bed or what then marcuso, god make a lady beg why dont ya lol
xx lou xxx
Quote by HuxleyNSusie
Eh up matey pop us down will ya
cheers smile

No problem. you're on the list.
(Can I have a go in the jaccuzzi this time?) :twisted:
Quote by fem_4_taboo
oh yeah corse i have, sorry mutleys. kiss
so am i in your bed or what then marcuso, god make a lady beg why dont ya lol
xx lou xxx

LOL.....Therer's no need to beg babes.
BUT if you do feel the need to get down on your knees.....while you're down there.......... :twisted:
OK OK.....I give can share my bed babes rolleyes
Note to non-regulars: Can you see the hardships I have to put up with? :twisted:
Hiya Marcuso,
Can we please come to your party kiss
mrs and mr ccr xxx
Quote by ccr
Hiya Marcuso,
Can we please come to your party kiss
mrs and mr ccr xxx

You two are always more than welcome.
I'll stick you on the list.
Quote by ccr
Hiya Marcuso,
Can we please come to your party kiss
mrs and mr ccr xxx

You two are always more than welcome.
I'll stick you on the list.
Hi Marcuso xxxx's me.....I am still alive.....just very,very busy at the moment!! :silly:
Would you be so kind as to add me to the list aswel? :small-print: Cheers xx
And if Fem_4_taboo would be ever so,ever so kind as to pick up this poor ikkle stray in Devon then I would be ever so,ever so grateful worship :worship: (is that enough grovelling yet?? LOL)
Hope to catch up with yah soon sexyman xxx
Luv Cuddles xxxx
:inlove: :rose:
Quote by cuddlebunny
Hi Marcuso xxxx's me.....I am still alive.....just very,very busy at the moment!! :silly:
Would you be so kind as to add me to the list aswel? :small-print: Cheers xx
And if Fem_4_taboo would be ever so,ever so kind as to pick up this poor ikkle stray in Devon then I would be ever so,ever so grateful worship :worship: (is that enough grovelling yet?? LOL)
Hope to catch up with yah soon sexyman xxx
Luv Cuddles xxxx
:inlove: :rose:

Woo Hoo the owner of me favourite hula outfit. You're more than welcome babes. I'll stick you on the list.
xx xx
Quote by Marcuso
Eh up matey pop us down will ya
cheers smile

No problem. you're on the list.
(Can I have a go in the jaccuzzi this time?) :twisted:
Quote by fem_4_taboo
oh yeah corse i have, sorry mutleys. kiss
so am i in your bed or what then marcuso, god make a lady beg why dont ya lol
xx lou xxx

LOL.....Therer's no need to beg babes.
BUT if you do feel the need to get down on your knees.....while you're down there.......... :twisted:
OK OK.....I give can share my bed babes rolleyes
Hardship ?? you ?? yeah and my heart bleeds purple piss in sympathy lmao
hi hun xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
put us down 4 this one would not miss it 4 the world
see you soon marcuso kiss
Quote by sleazy
Eh up matey pop us down will ya
cheers smile

No problem. you're on the list.
(Can I have a go in the jaccuzzi this time?) :twisted:
Quote by fem_4_taboo
oh yeah corse i have, sorry mutleys. kiss
so am i in your bed or what then marcuso, god make a lady beg why dont ya lol
xx lou xxx

LOL.....Therer's no need to beg babes.
BUT if you do feel the need to get down on your knees.....while you're down there.......... :twisted:
OK OK.....I give can share my bed babes rolleyes
Hardship ?? you ?? yeah and my heart bleeds purple piss in sympathy lmao
OOOOOOO!!!!!.....special coloured wee!!
I bet you're popular with the W/S crowd eh? :twisted:
Quote by rams_cpl
hi hun xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
put us down 4 this one would not miss it 4 the world
see you soon marcuso :kiss:

You're on the list. Be good to see you again.
Can we have an invite please?
Thank you
Hi Sarah
Can 'cc_7up' and i come too please?
Hi, if i can get a lift can i come please biggrin
Tina xxx
Yes to hotel list please Marcuso
depends where it is held, I might drive home..... I only live in Essex
and no essex girl jokes please... they're not all true...
I dont wear white stiletoes.. I dont drive an escort... I have NEVER dropped my chips when having an 'O' :shock: ....
as for the rest of the rumours.. no comment wink
Can me and mad box of Frogs come as well please....
hi marcuso,could we plz put our names down for your party,feklar and " mad box of frogs" awww :therethere: lol can vouch for
lilnfil xx
Can I come plz.
I cant give cuddly-catlin a lift if we can both come.
pretty plzz.
Marcuso........ stick me down on your list please, I'm sure there's a few who will vouch for me :shock:
marcuso if you let him come it doesnt mean im dressing in a towel and letting him play with my flower :twisted:
humm did i say that out loud??? lol
hi johneboy xxxxxxxx :rose:
xx lou xxxx
Quote by Sarah
Can we have an invite please?
Thank you

Always welcome.........You're on the list
xx xx
Quote by upfor_txt
Hi Sarah
Can 'cc_7up' and i come too please?

Deffo on the list.
xx xx
Quote by cuddly-catlin
Hi, if i can get a lift can i come please biggrin
Tina xxx

Your lift is mentioned below're on the list....xxxxxxx
Quote by single_tulip
Yes to hotel list please Marcuso
depends where it is held, I might drive home..... I only live in Essex
and no essex girl jokes please... they're not all true...
I dont wear white stiletoes.. I dont drive an escort... I have NEVER dropped my chips when having an 'O' :shock: ....
as for the rest of the rumours.. no comment wink

Hotel list is on it's way babes. Don't think you'll be driving home though. Takes me at leats 2.5 hours to get to Essex.
I better make sure there's plenty of room on the dancefloor for the handbags eh? :twisted:
Quote by Feklar
Can me and mad box of Frogs come as well please....

You're on the list. Looking forward to meeting the mad lady
Quote by lilnfil
hi marcuso,could we plz put our names down for your party,feklar and " mad box of frogs" awww :therethere: lol can vouch for
lilnfil xx

No probs. You're on the list
Quote by ms_naughty
Can I come plz.
I cant give cuddly-catlin a lift if we can both come.
pretty plzz.

You're on the list babes
Quote by johneboy
Marcuso........ stick me down on your list please, I'm sure there's a few who will vouch for me :shock:

Seen you on enough to know you're "vouched" for mate. You're on the list
Quote by fem_4_taboo
marcuso if you let him come it doesnt mean im dressing in a towel and letting him play with my flower :twisted:
humm did i say that out loud??? lol
hi johneboy xxxxxxxx :rose:
xx lou xxxx

The question is though, Can I play with your flower babes??
go on then seeings as you asked so nicely lol
xxxx lou xxxxxxxx
oh btw i have pmed cuddle bunny to tell her she has that lift if she wants it
Quote by fem_4_taboo
go on then seeings as you asked so nicely lol
xxxx lou xxxxxxxx
oh btw i have pmed cuddle bunny to tell her she has that lift if she wants it

Thank you sweetheart....On both counts
xx xx
shameless BUMP!!!!