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Age; really that important?

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I just ask as I seem to come across the 'Oh, too young' line quite a bit. (I'm 24)
?? x
I agree with you, age isn't that important, but people decide for themselves on the age range of people they wish to meet. Yes, some people's age limits for contacts seem very rigid, but it's still their own choice.
Some people say they could not meet anyone of a similar age to their children, or even to their baby brother.
There seems to be no point in pushing it with someone, just try someone else.
Pick me! lol
The old "age is just a number" kind of annoys me tbh. I prefer under 30's. I've always like younger guys and no matter how many (usually 40+) guys bug me, I',m not gonna change my mind. Partly because I can't! I can't help who i find attractive and who I don.t and I find youth very attractive.
We're back to "pick me" again! :lol:
nice cam btw. ;)
Age is just another personal preference like size or hair colour. I have been told that I was too young and have felt irked. But by the same token I rarely ever play with a woman who is younger than me, I much prefer older women.
Each to their own.
If you think you got probs at 24 ..... wait till you get to 50+ then age thing really kicks in lol ... on a positive note at least you got the later 20s.. 30s... 40s to look forward to !!!!
To add to this.....age for me is an issue!
Having a child who is 22 i just couldn't contemplate
being with someone young.
Everyone has their own preferences and don't think
they should be questioned.
Good luck for you in the future tho smile
Siren xxxx
Quote by Kiss
Age is just another personal preference like size or hair colour. I have been told that I was too young and have felt irked. But by the same token I rarely ever play with a woman who is younger than me, I much prefer older women.
Each to their own.

wave quick before ya get a willy!!!!
Quote by firelizard
Age is just another personal preference like size or hair colour. I have been told that I was too young and have felt irked. But by the same token I rarely ever play with a woman who is younger than me, I much prefer older women.
Each to their own.

wave quick before ya get a willy!!!!
You're lucky I couldn't make last weekend, I would have taken full advantage of my female status. :rascal:
Age shouldn't really be that important. Unfortunately, to some people it is.
But when it comes down to it, there are so many different types of people on this planet, that you ought to ba able to find people who don't really care about your age.
We've certainly played with people who are a lot younger than us, and it hasn't really mattered, because we liked their personality and attitude to life.
Age is a bit like beauty - all in the eye (or probably more realistically, the mind) of the beholder - Hopefully, you can find people to play with who like you whatever your age.
See? Marya likes you! biggrin
I have an issue with people much younger than me but only because I have a son who's almost 29 and playing with someone the same age or younger than him would make me feel uncomfortable.
It's no reflection on them as a person the same as some people don't want over 40s. It's personal preference
Yeah I find it a little difficult as well - but then, that said I prefer not to go with someone thats too much older than me.... hey its a case of each to their own. Thats what makes swinging so interesting, sooo many diverse people - AMEN to that !!