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Aggressive People in the chat room!

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Just a heads up! xxxxxxxx are very aggressive and scared me!
They have been reported!
Mod edited out name
sorry to hear that pet , wanna tell us more ?
understand if you dont worse nightmare
not really! i was upset and crying lol!
shit happens!
take no notice it takes a while but people can be very brave behind a pc, ve been nattering for years and im easily upset in perosn but on the net im a tiger grrrrrrrrrr
Ain't this both OT and bad etiquette to post in the open? If it's been reported, the mods/admin will deal with it. I appreciate you're pissed off by them, and that's probably justified, but you're leaving yourself open to more abuse from them, if nothing else.
there is a delete button she can use when she isnt so upset , i wont ell anyone who they were if you dont.
apart from the fact my pc crashes everytime i try to go in the bloody chat room , im scared of the dark and the gremlins that lurk in there, thats why i keep out.
so if no body talks about this kind of thing! how r u meant to know?
sophie we know , take their names off the mods weill deal with it otherwise there will be aslanging match on here , no one wants that, i belive ya love and im the only one that matters lol wink
excuse my ignorance! but y r u the only one that matters? Is this not a community? A community I have just discovered and starting to love! I have met and spoke to some great people on here! y shoud I be quite about the people that spoil that?
see mods did after all, cheer up babe and dont let it put you off
in apervy non bi way hope your fella understand s
you can't please all the people all the time! tell me to get off my soap box if you like!
i can't help being passionate!
tenacious little minx arent you lol
I saw Bi-sophie rowing with some-one in there earlier - hard to follow as it was moving fast and was pvt-ing
(and fighting off the uninviteds as usual)
It did seem to be going a bit too far.
Should say ignore them/laugh it off - hard when you're pset I know.
Cheer up, babe - it's national dogging day!
its not funny when people are abusive and aggressive! but u fellas won't understand that!
we love you sophie , sleep on it ,
i did refer to the mods in the chat room! you obviously don't take this seriously! so i will drop it! Expected better!
As a girl who uses the chatroom and has to deal with the usual guys pvting, etc, I can tell you the mods are very good at sorting things.
I can understand u being upset - I was in there for some of it, but do give the guys in charge a chance to sort things out - they really do care about their members.
i can't believe that no one will say what they feel on here? u can't be nice all the time! i understand your point! But I will not tollerate abuse by any one! who do they think they are for being rude and abusive? so much for the community! you can think what u will but i am upset and pissed off!
I find the chat room rather aggressive too at times, and I haven`t encountered abuse, just too much full-on questioning! Poor you, I`d be freaked if I encountered a row :shock:
This IS a great forum, don`t let your experiance in there put you off. Many of the `oldies` here have seen this sort of thing before, and know by experiance that the best way to deal with trolls is not to feed them biggrin . That`s why they are removed calmly and quietly, because once they see they have caused a reaction beyond that (like here), it tends to encourage them to continue with the abuse, noone wants to see, or experaince that further. Least of all you I should imagine. So yes, we do care, enough not to make matters worse. Sounds like it was nipped in the bud smile
ok! good night and thanks for your comments!
Sophie, petal...
I was in the chat room when this happened. I offer to talk to you via the pvt message service but I guess you didn't see me. I'm not a chat room op, but nonetheless I was there and I listened.... so don't say that no one is authority at SH responded, pet. smile
I did say at the time that nothing that happens in a chat room is anything to be concerned about. Certainly nothing worth shedding tears over. I also said that nothing compells you to talk to anyone you don't want to. And vice versa. If there are folks that you don't get on with, walk away...
To gain and protect the moral high ground, rise above it...
Big hugz
Heather thanks!
I didn't see you in the chat room!
I was a little emotional last night! I know I should have just
ignored it but its hard some times!
Thanks and sorry if I have been bad and caused problems on here?
Love Sophie
Just to add my 1p's worth. I've been in many chat rooms and had these kind of trolls Bi-Sophie. It really is true - don't feed them !! Blocking/ignoring them is the most effective way. Otherwise you end up hurt because they are the kind of people who thrive on negative energy and enjoy hurting others.
The more you and others ignore or don't get hooked into their negativity the better. It's sad such people expend so much time and effort on their nastiness but that is sadly life on the net.
Lastly , theres nowt wrong with being passionate about an issue. On the other hand why boost their pathetic little ego's by showing how much they got to you. Keep your passion for those who care about you and return it positively.
PS Hope it doesn't put you off the chatroom.
Plums xx
Well said, Plums wink
Sophie... have a hug passionkiss
hi spoke with sophie last night over the matter of another nick upsetting her i spoke to the nick concerned and also again to sophie the matter was resolved as far as im concerned ..