Are there any couples or singles (Males and Females) that fancy a few beers :cheers:
Requirement for invites are:
1) We know you
2) Someone we know and trust knows you
If you fancy it then add to post. If you are unsure if you fill the requirements then drop me a PM. We'll see you that Saturday night. Invites will be sent out about 3-5 days before.........please don't ask for them before hand. (Last curry night location was changed 3 days before due to is true......I couldn't even organise a piss up in a pub
PS we are a pair of very shy newbies
People coming(but can change for reasons in RL)
Alex_Northeast and Mr Alex(aka Dave_Notts.........whoever TM'd that needs a good hiding
Dammie and HLB
FB and Mr_FB
Calista and Morbius