Quote by Kezz & Suff
Well . . . . . You are so gonna laugh at us! (well, me, anyway)
We went to Partners last night. Got there about , drove past and saw all the cars parked up and down the street (that weren't there on Sunday night and figured they belonged to all the people in the club) and I (Suff) just couldn't go in. :cry:
I'd been nervous but excited all day, we'd got ready after work and travelled all the way there, and when we got there, the sight of all those cars and knowing that there were loads of people inside just freaked me out big time and I made Kezz turn the car round and bring me home again! ops:
I don't know why I couldn't go in, as Sunday night was no problem. And I know everyone's friendly and there for the same things. Kezz said to go in and keep my cothes on, but that would have just made me feel even worse cos everyone else would have their towels on (or not lol).
If I'd got through the door I'd probably have been alright, could have said hi and relaxed and then seen what happened, but I couldn't do it.
How can I get over this initial nervousness/fear? Has anyone else felt like this? How did they get over it? Does it ever go away?
Oh i understand and i feel for you!! never been and probably never will cos of exactly what you describe!!
The only way anyone would get me through the doors would be if we wwent in a SMALL group, with people we already knew, could you do that?Perhaps meet a week or so earluer and then on the n ight meet at a pub first so you can go as a group?
Youve got further than i would so what ever happens , good luck and believe me your not the only one!!