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any ladies in cheshire??

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is there any ladies from cheshire on this site?
That'll get 'em flocking from all over Cheshire.... prepare to be invaded rolleyes :roll: :roll:
Are Blue and Silk out and about on Thursday, I have viewed your site and would love to watch/ bcome involvedXXXPopoeye :twisted: :twisted:
Not this week, and why ask that on someone else's thread? And who the fuck is "Silk"? Is it someone I should meet, s/he sounds like fun :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: Or is it Silk from Silky and Big G who has decided to move up North????? wink
Now, stop thread hijaking, I want to watch beemer-ben get accosted by a load of horny women from Cheshire.... :shock:
very funny bluexxx! nice website by the way!!!
Who's pmt? All these poeple I don't know :shock:
Quote by bluexxx
Who's pmt? All these poeple I don't know :shock:

rolleyes Blue didn't you know PMT stands for Posting minimal threads :roll:
No, I didn't know that. Someone must have invented that and never told me. The cheek of it, and me being a mod and all confused :? :?
wink :wink: :wink:
Can't decide on Ferrari_Fred or AstonMartin_Andy (or RobinReliant_Ron).
Blue ...noooo ..someone wouldn't do that would they?????
ok ok I admit it I made it up (honesty is so cathartic)
It actually stands for Pre Menstrual Terrorist...... Al Qaeda use them as consultants.
Quote by murdoch
Can't decide on Ferrari_Fred or AstonMartin_Andy (or RobinReliant_Ron).

How about ....
Get Ka Ta!!!!
I suspect you are way too young to understand that most awful of puns(yes I've done it again).
Not a lot of people know that lol
Did you see the programme the other day where Jeremy Clarkson was comparing a Ferrari with an Aston Martin? It was on Sky, so if you don't have it, you'll think I'm nuts. He didn't mention Robin Reliants in any shape or form though......funnily enough confused
Anyways..... I digress rolleyes You've got to choose the Ferrari, you know it makes sense wink :wink: :wink: