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Any singles up4fun tues 13th dec afternoon ? FULL

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3 watchers
hi there
are there any cpls or singles fancy fun at ours on tues daytime ? 12noon till 3pm
we live in swinton manchester
if there is any single guys i dont know and fancy meeting up the meet would be in a local pub first then back to mine for fun
i want single guys that will get Involed and sort me out, i dont want any Voyeors or guys standing there Wanking
so guys if u dont like groups or just want to watch pls dont get in touch
any single guys I know will get priority
any single guys i dont know pls leave a message or pm me and tell me a little about yourselfs
if your not into CUDDLY fems pls dont get in touch
invites for the meet will go out on mon afternoon
cya soon jo xxxx
hi gigerjo-lee i have pM you thanks
nighteyes ive pm'ed you back
you will get the invite on mon
cya on tues jo x
Hiya Jo
can I come?
Hey i've pmd you Jo looking forward to your reply smile
Oh, and bags I passenger seat this bloody time!
can i cum jo, xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
magictongue and goodporking your on the list smile
will make sure we dont loose you this time goodporking lol
cya on tues
Hi Jo,
at last i'm free and in the country, Please Please Please can i be on the list smile
It's been ages since i have seen you guys
Xenon omg your free of course i will add you to the list
cya on tues jo xxx
only a cpl more places left now for single guys
got 8 want another 2 names
thanks jo x
I'll cum a couple of times jo that will make up the numbers smile
hello gingerjo i am new to this but xenon told me that u are a relly nice gal and i can make it on tuesday. i am a 23 male bit on the cuddly side and am a bit she but that soon goes away after things get starterd. i will not let u down and wais ur time. u can pm me or if u see me in the chat room u can let me know if i u want to know forward to seeing u nic
do you think you would be able to handle being naked infront of 10 other guys ?
i dont want guys just watcing and playing with them selfs i want them to get stuck into me lol
i will give u the chance if your willing to do things smile
let me know for sure if u want to cum or not
jo xxx
i will do the things u want and no problem with 10 naked males
look forward to it
thanks for giving me the oppertunity jo
you will get your invite on monday like all the other guys
cya on tues jo xxx
Thanks for the pm hun see you tuesday wink
Jo,don't beat around the bush,just say exactly what u mean,lol,john,xxx
aaaaaaaarrrrrrrrggggggggggh my rest days thursday this week :cry: :cry:
Hi Jo,I'm free tues afternoon,would love an invite,I'm in London this weekend so won't pick up any threads but back for tuesday,lol,john,xx
orpheous1 i didnt get a pm off you sad but ive added you on the list as ive had a pm off a gf saying shes met you smile
boltonphil thats the message i put did you want to say anything ?
vicky babes mmmmmmmmmmm cya on tues hun xxxxxxx
iluvminis cause i love ya i will add you to the list but lee said can you fetch lynn round lol
the LIST is full for single guys now
thanks jo xxx
Lee,sorry mate she's workin,but you are on her list of 'to do's'(at the top I think),lol,john,x
I've highlighted what Bolton Phil had posted.
Sorry I can't make it, honey, but have a great time anyway. lol
Hi Jo - i would love to come along, as I have missed your last few gatherings! I came along to the one before the summer, and hope I am not too late to be on the list for next week. I'll send you a pm anyway!
Be great to see Vicky there as well!
Boltonphil I think you need to learn a little about discretion babe
What you do in a club stays there and you certainly dont post it on an open forum for all to see
hi jo could you please let me cum would be nice for a pre new years eve get together if not see you at J's
boltonphil soz didnt read all the message and im glad i didnt its not nice to see things like that in main forum
silentsven and bombardier soz even tho i know you the list is full like it says a cpl of messages up
the only thing you can do is keep a eye on here just in case 1 of the guys drop out
thanks jo xx