hey anyone from coventry or west mids here? anyone looking for some discrete fun tonight or this weekend with a young student then just give me a message and we can chat some more. mike
twenty.... that too young? lol ;)
thats cool.....so interested? hehe
Depends on the Mod and how well you do it!
well if that really is your pic at the side....then im guessing its not a bad thing at all! :P where u from then? how old r u?
get a room you two will ya :giggle:
yea and I prefer that other pic of the ASS !!!!!!
lol is so where u from mal609?
You've gone quiet on me!
hehe sorry, just revising for exams too....lol. such a boring thing to do! what u looking for then mal?
right not that i'm in the habbit of siding with mods but have to say mal u do have the better arse lol :thumbup:
lol well depends whats on offer really?! :P and not biology, althought that would be a lot more fun methinks...
Well Mikey
I'm afraid I'm going to have to burst your bubble.
The reason for all those comments from the other guys was that yes, it is my arse in the pic.
However, I don't think it would be a match made in heaven as my eldest daughter is older than you and Mal is short for Malcolm! :shock:
lol fair enough...still not a bad arse though!! hehe
cheers. back to revision maybe if i can be bothered.....lol
Well done Mikey, I reckon you've got the right attitude - good luck to you