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anyone in north london this weekend?

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MissC in need of some fun with any gentlemen this weekend....I particularly go for the over 35's....but far be it from me to be prejudiced! XX
Well i am 33,
am in south london. But of course can travel.
Hello MissC. I am 42 male and single with my ohac. In the East London/Essex area but more than willing to travel or accomodate you at mine. I'm available all weekend. Get back to me if you wanna chat some more and are serious....
hello missc.... can i make a suggestion... if you want to meet people from the SH site tomorrow there are various event going on tomorrow in london.. have a look at the threads.....
the sauna meet in the afternoon
the torture garden event in the late evening.....
welcome by the way and enjoy the site...
sean xxxxxxxxxx
Thanks fabio...I shall check the threads...Im a bit bored of TG (God forgive me) but might consider the sauna thing although I have to say they are not my favourite event....(grumble grumble). And I am looking for some (serial) one on one fun! x
Serial one on one fun!
Sounds like a lot of fun, may i be one to join you?
The sauna does sounds good, for tomorrow. Might goes as part of a couple.
Quote by fabio grooverider
hello missc.... can i make a suggestion... if you want to meet people from the SH site tomorrow there are various event going on tomorrow in london.. have a look at the threads.....
the sauna meet in the afternoon
the torture garden event in the late evening.....
welcome by the way and enjoy the site...
sean xxxxxxxxxx

Nice idea to check the LMU threads, but munches and mini munches usually require you to have been a member of this site for a good month or more and to be an active member of the forums. lol
Hope this helps you MissC.
Hi Missc
i am young fit and like to cd. im north central, by regents park, can send some pics if your interested
Quote by MIssC
MissC in need of some fun with any gentlemen this weekend....I particularly go for the over 35's....but far be it from me to be prejudiced! XX

I could make it to North London, any time you like. PM if you like. wink