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Quote by Dawn_Mids
Time for another airing!! confused :? :? :? :? smile :) :) :)

Are you talking about you or the thread dunno
:giggle: smackbottom :smackbottom: :smackbottom: :smackbottom: wink
Quote by bluexxx
[We are not disagreeing that there is a place for cams. We also agree that cams are a good way to meet people initially. All we ask this that people place their cam ads in the sticky at the top of this forum so they do not litter up the site. Surely that is simple enough to understand????? confused

I think one of the main issues here is that it is not prominent enough for newbies and infrequent users.
When I first joined, it took me sometime to work out what's acceptable and what is not (and I've used a number of forum sites in the past). It's less about how it functions and more about site-specific etiquette, which can sometimes get buried amongst the other stuff.
If you put yourself into the position of someone who has never visited the site before, what information would specifically stand out to you as being crucial to read? Have a look through. I tried in respect of camming:
The first place I checked was the home page. Nothing mentioned there.
Links to the ads section just takes you straight into ad categories with no "read this first" or "click here if you're new" option.
If you click the link from the homepage to go to the Forum, the first thing you see is Let's Meet which mentions that it's the place to post webcam ads.
The last option on the home page is for the Help section. The main mention of webcams there is as follows:
4. Do not just post a one-liner. For example:-
Subject: Anyone up for it today?
Post text: Well???
Posts like that are almost certainly a waste of time, just clutter up the forum and may well be deleted on sight. Here's what it could have been:-
Subject: Anyone up for it today near Manchester?
Post text: Hi, my name's Joe and you can read/see more about me if you click the link below to my photo ad. I'm free this afternoon with my webcam, or I'm up for a meet if anyone's near enough? I'm looking for a couple or a single woman for some relaxed no-strings fun. PM me if you're interested.

I think if I was a new user and I had read through all the links (which I think is pretty unlikely for most people), I'd assume I'd be ok posting a webcam ad.
I know the mods are considering what to do long-term and I see there are various opinions on potential options. Have the mods considered putting it up for a poll to see what the interest is? I would think only regular posters are likely to take part in the poll so it would be a good way of finding out what SH users want.
I do think the above highlights a contributing cause to continued stray webcam postings. It may also apply to other areas of the site. It's always difficult trying to put sufficient information on a website to encourage the maximum number of casual users to read it. Perhaps consideration could be given to making important usage information more prominent? Plenty of sites (and software installations) have a screen where you have an agreement page which you have to scroll through before you can click on the Accept button. Might that help here?
Fair do's - Sarge you gonna stop bumping with Steph and fix this worship
or do we need to talk dunno
innocent :whistling: :whistling: :whistling: :whistling: :whistling: :whistling: :whistling:
Quote by Sgt Bilko
There is now a sticky at the top of this page for people to post for Web Cam Fun. This is the only place these are permitted. Any Web Cam Posts in any other part of the forum will be deleted, and persistent offenders will be banned.
(Please bear in mind that there are plenty of sites out there specifically for Web Camming!!)

Time for another airing!! confused :? :? :? :? smile :) :) :)
Bump innocent
Another thought about this issue:
When someone posts incorrectly into the forum, do they get notification (perhaps via PM) with an explanation of why their post wasn't acceptable? If this isn't the case, I suggest that they are PMd with some standard text which includes a link to this post and to the one where they should have originally put their advert.
This should help to encourage appropriate posting whilst not alienating newbies (although I appreciate not all posters fall into this category).
Something along the lines of......
Your recent post in Let's Meet Up section asking for webcam meets has been deleted as it doesn't conform with current Swinging Heaven terms of usage. Only one area is designated for such posts. This is entitled Sticky: All webcam ads in here ONLY and can be found at the top of the Let's Meet Up section or by clicking this link:
You will need to re-submit your post in this area if you wish to advertise again.
More information on why webcam posts are not allowed elsewhere and what is being considered in future can be found here:

I'm groping around in the dark assuming here that arrangements aren't already in place for handling these sorts of issue, so if they are apologies up front. If they aren't, perhaps a number of standard text items for similar issues could be created and stored on the forums for Mods to copy & paste (making their lives easier)?
Quote by Jags
You mean like this?

Uhm, well yes and no....without wishing to sound like I'm criticising, it just points them back to the rules which they presumably didn't read and may not have been aware of originally.
The option I suggested would explain a little more and perhaps give the post originator more of a warm feeling rather than being told off. Of course I'm not sure whether you have also PMd them with more information as well.
Hope this is coming across as constructive as I'm keen to propose suggestions that may be useful. biggrin
If you follow Jags link, it takes you to a thread that has been deleted, and if you follow the link there, it takes you to the Webcam thread where you can post smile
Quote by Sexysteph
There is now a sticky at the top of this page for people to post for Web Cam Fun. This is the only place these are permitted. Any Web Cam Posts in any other part of the forum will be deleted, and persistent offenders will be banned.
(Please bear in mind that there are plenty of sites out there specifically for Web Camming!!)

Sarge just pinched this from your office for another airing .........OK Sexy?
Just taking the pressure of Sgt for a bit >>>>>>>> BUMP
Found this post right down in the shadowy depths of page 4 and thought it might need an airing.
Think it needs wafting in the face of new members more!
cool 8-)
and more, and more, and MORE!!!!!!!
Bump in light of changes this might be better as a sticky?????
C x
Well, I am a first time poster and have enjoyed reading this thread. I DO possess a webcam, and find that it can be used for both 'instant harmless gratification' and as a means for people to see each other before committing to meeting.
We all know how many men are out there pretending to be women - so a webcam chat puts my mind at rest...
Great site, btw... biggrin
The sticky has come unstuck for the webcam ads confused
So, find the thread and post in it if you want a webcam session or of course there is the new chatroom with webcam facilities too.
Gem. x :?
Quote by SgtBilko
There is now a sticky at the top of this page for people to post for Web Cam Fun. This is the only place these are permitted. Any Web Cam Posts in any other part of the forum will be deleted, and persistent offenders will be banned.
(Please bear in mind that there are plenty of sites out there specifically for Web Camming!!)