On the 19th May we will be having a BBQ in stratford upon avon area. This is a social eventopen to all Swinging Heaven members and we do hope that you can all come along.
We will be starting at around - am and lasting a good few hours

We do hope that many of you can come and especially all the midlands room peeps and the friends we have made you know who you are :wink: :D .
Right all we have now booked the bouncy castle so hope you like having a bounce :lol:
Hi peeps thanks for all the names down so far we cant wait to see you all but we have heard in the grapevine that some of you have not put your names down but are comming please make sure you put names down on here as soon as you know you are comming so that we know what numbers are comming and also we need it to send you the details of where it is going to be held i will be closing the list on the friday the 18th of may at midday if your name isnt down then im afraid you wont be able to come and will be mailing the detaisl at the same time ok sorry for the moan lol see you all soon
Speak soon guys xxxxxxxxxxx