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ooh so many people x
Hi x Me and Mr Cheshire would love to go... but if our putting up of tentage at V fest is anything to go by, we may need some assistance. All rewarded of course!!!
Ang & Marc x
put us down to will get mother to look after kids it would be nice to be with other people instead of kids
wendy and mike
hellooooooooooooooooo anbody alive lol
can i but my name down thanks
ooo this sounds alot of fun.. is it open to everyone.. even single females. who dont own a tent???? would you be able to pm alit bit of detail about it if possible, i know im not working august bankholiday as its always near my birthday.. so i would like to provisionaly put my self down if thats ok redface lol
can i but my name down love to come camping
Is the august bank holiday at the end of the month or the beggining of the month..cos ive got the last two weekends in august, but am working the first three.. so if its first three then il need to know so i book time off... cos my jobs a bitch i have to get hols order in quick else i wont get it.. but if its the end of the month its cool!!!!...
ta very muchly
furbs ( . ) ( . ) lol
oooh furby wud be nice to meet u at last xxxxxx
Quote by Newlad4u
oooh furby wud be nice to meet u at last xxxxxx

I havent got a tent... ive never been camping... i dont own a pair of trainers.. and ive never slept outdoors.. you sure about the above statement!!
lol.. xxxxxxxxxx
Quote by Newlad4u
oooh furby wud be nice to meet u at last xxxxxx

your slacking m8 even I've met furby :lol2:
Furby if you have no tent how are you going to sleep?
Harry Jones
i am slacking badly but things not been great latley as grandad been in hospital x
Quote by HarryJones
oooh furby wud be nice to meet u at last xxxxxx

your slacking m8 even I've met furby :lol2:
Furby if you have no tent how are you going to sleep?
Harry Jones
cross that bridge when i come to it... or il sleep under it..
im sure il find some where 2 sleep lol where did everyone go?
Sorry to hear that mate.
Nothing like living on the edge Furby wink
Harry Jones
im sure things will liven up with grandad
life is all about new experiences
Oh i love camping, brings back great memories of scouts. please put me name down.
i would love to cum camping with you all.. pls add me to your list.. :sticky: the campsite wont know what hit them
even more people now
yes if we can get a train near to there wed love to used to be in swinging club just starting again but dont want these guys who just want t o come round and fuck prefer partys ect see if any one back to me please xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Mods edit - please don't put your mobile phone number on the site, or you may end up getting calls from people you really don't want contacting you.
hi can you put our names down please
as we regularly go camping would be nice to meet people off this site
hi people,
count us in definatly, love camping :-)
Paul and mel xxxx
ohh sorry guys but i cant mkae the weeding as its abit far for me but hope all goes well and thank yo very much for the invite x
Hun sory about this but can we take our names off the list plz hun will have to try and meet up with you guys in future thanks cerys
aww shame hun xxxx
im afraid im going to have to take my name of the list..
furby x