im very sorry about this but can me and mr other half come plz again our couple id is sexycouple 21 plz plz and also send us a hotel list plz thanks hun xxxxxxxx
Dear Claire & Chris ..
Apologies have to say Im unable to come to this bash , wishing u all a great time and a happy new 2008 .
Lots of licks :silly:
Allure x
ooooooeeeeerrrrrrr whats up with her i wonder
hi cud u give me sum information about hotels and b&bs in the area please as will have 2 stay over thanks hottie xxx
hi guys, sorry about this but please take my name off the list, its going to be impossible to get to peterborough now, shame tho, hope u all have fun xxxxxx
aww munch babe was looking 4ward 2 meeting u xxx
Is this social still happening. Havent had any details for hotels as yet and its getting late on for booking things?
sorry sorry sorry the move took ages we couldnt get online at home then my lappy broke but it is all sorted finally lol lol
The email with details going out let me know if you want a list of people going of course since events have conspired against us we understand many wont be able to make it but me (claire) and chris will deff be there to wellcome those who can still come if we can help anymore let us know we are fully back online now
hope to see you all soon xx
Hi there Clare, glad to see you back online.
Sorry, but myself and Lonni not going to be able to make this one, hope to see you all later in the year at another one, have fun.
Happy New Year everyone xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Sassy xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
wb online Claire and Chris.
I'm confirming and very much looking forward to it.
Sassy and Lonni, great to catch up with you the other week, sorry you won't be there and Happy New Year.
Harry Jones
Hi all
After careful consideration of the cost of hotel and petrol there and back and travel time I have decided to pull out of this. Sorry all, but just cant afford this and my weekend away in march. Hope you have a great time all.
Got my invite with details
Cant wait :twisted:
does anyone need a contact number?
could we have a list of all confimed attendees please?
ok here are the 5 confirmees lol lol
Harry jones
a couple of others said they might, almost all have read there email though and not told me they cant come yet so we should still have a good few there dont let that list put u off lol
hya we still coming with frisky and his wife too looking forward to meeting u all
great we will see u there
I love to come. Put me down please
oh i am soooooo sorry but we have gotta pull out as well summat has cropped up that we can't get out of.
sorry guys hope u have a great night
:rose: :rose: :rose: :rose: