hiya the title says,which club is best for us newbies?
we are thinking about goin to take a look at a club but very goin to look really,not planning on taking part in anything,not just yet anyway.
want to go to a club which is friendly and where we will not be put under any preasure.
you dont have to do anything do ya?is it ok to just go and take a look,socialise etc?
we are from west midlands,inbetween xstasia and other clubs local?
First club we ever went to was Xstasia,we picked that one for the reason that it was a really busy club,and that we would blend in and not stick out like a sore thumb,there was no pressure to join in,we didn't have to remove our clothes,we didn't play with anyone else,to be honest most clubs are very first timer friendly but as we have never been to Chams we recommend this one as you live near both.
thanx for the quick reply!lol.
never thought of that,if the club is busy we can blend in,hide the shakes,lol.
did you wear normal clothes,smart casual?
wear what ever makes you feel comfortable,guys smart attire no tee shirts or trainers...the ladies can be abit more daring and sexy!