I have been thinking for a while of getting a group of adults together to enjoy a fun and social day at Alton Towers.
Well...already enough people to make it a viable option for me! lol
Think it will have to be a weekend day so that people can join in, and I am currently thinking that a good time might be the weekend after the kids go back to school.
Suggestions welcome though!
sounds like it could be a great day..
just let me know when.. and as long as i can get my arse there.. i will come along
count me in..just avoid 9th to 19th july.....i'm away on hols..lol
love going to Alton Towers
let me know when you have a date and hopefully I can come along
we wudnt go to the towers for social with been local but we cud meet u for a drink in the village after
I've got 3 BOGOF vouchers from Tesco clubcard ... 2 free to a good home ... well maybe a small payment ;-)
blow job ?? for a ticket suedey ;)