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Biker Meet South,SouthEast,Bucks,Berks,ect 28th Aug

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47 replies
2 watchers
As the last one was called off due to work time, for a new start date on Sunday 28th August.
Swinging biker meet to chat ect...
Suggestions for pub meet then ride out for lunch somewhere !!( if wanted )
All makes welcome !!
leisurely ride somewhere ( suggestions agian )
Also anyone interested in getting started in biking welcome.
Swinging bikers YAY !!!
E mail or PM your Qs to us
PS anyone want to help me put my new alternator in my harley ?? extra knowledge and 2 people doing the fix is better than one !!
look forward to hearing from people again !
Hi S&V
I would really like to attend biker meet
I am single straight male like a lot of people on here, so I have a spare seat on bike if anyone would like to fill it.
I live in Billericay so not to far away, If you could let me know details as and when.
thanks, kev
*sticks thumb out an waves lid in the air* lol
Would have loved to have come along to this. Maybe the next one i'll make sure im not on holiday, i'll move a bit closer, and I won't chuck my newly acquired bike down the road a week prior sad
So maybe next time smile
Nice one guys still trying to come up with a good place for meet, if people tell me where there travelling from will try and pick a central point so distances arent to far for everyone !!!
Quote by tabbi
*sticks thumb out an waves lid in the air* lol

you going to alright or do you need a lift ???
hi guys.
i will be coming in from central london. i think it will be an interesting meet.. swinging bikers. two of my fave things lol.
do you need a bike? rolleyes
well it is a biker meet but if your interested in starting biking ect come along but after we meet were going for a ride out so unless someone has space on there bike and a lid it maybe difficult....
hope that helps !
Quote by WhyTheHellNot!!!!!!
*sticks thumb out an waves lid in the air* lol

you going to alright or do you need a lift ???
Had an offer of a lift (thanks Kev) biggrin I'll let you know if I'm up ferrit in the next couple of days hun.
what a great idea we would definately be up for that we are from surrey but are prepared to travel a reasonable distance for a day out keep us posted please .
L&V (harley riders )
yep count us in and we are coming from central London.
hey you got that post code of that pub for the meet Tabbi ??
so far areas of departure are london central,essex,surrey,berks,west london !!!!!!!
I think Westerham way near sevenoaks godstone area !! ( thoughts please )
PS. my bike is still not fixed AAAAAHHHHHHH hopefully tomorrow sad sad sad sad
Quote by WhyTheHellNot!!!!!!
hey you got that post code of that pub for the meet Tabbi ??

PMd biggrin
Westerham, sevenoaks, godstone all sound good to me
Just to let people know, there is a pub in basildon (on the A127) which accepts bikers of all kinds.
It is just about a quarter of a mile past the junction with wickford (A132) and is on the left hand side.
Sorry to say but i have not got a bike (wife wont allow it) but i can make arrangements for 3 people to come in my car if they are interested?
will let the others vote on that as it is a bike meet but the ride out afterwards would be difficult for you to keep up !!
So, guess it's time to dust off the VFR800 and check the biggrin
Let us / me know when and where and we'll get the leathers out... :shock:
Quote by naughtymale
Just to let people know, there is a pub in basildon (on the A127) which accepts bikers of all kinds.
It is just about a quarter of a mile past the junction with wickford (A132) and is on the left hand side.
Sorry to say but i have not got a bike (wife wont allow it) but i can make arrangements for 3 people to come in my car if they are interested?

That's the Dick Turpin, it's bike night every Tuesday night. Must have been about 200 bikes there this week biggrin and girls...that's a lot of leather :twisted:
Edited coz of exaggeration lol
Quote by tabbi
Just to let people know, there is a pub in basildon (on the A127) which accepts bikers of all kinds.
It is just about a quarter of a mile past the junction with wickford (A132) and is on the left hand side.
Sorry to say but i have not got a bike (wife wont allow it) but i can make arrangements for 3 people to come in my car if they are interested?

That's the Dick Turpin, it's bike night every Tuesday night. Must have been about 200 bikes there this week biggrin and girls...that's a lot of leather :twisted:
Edited coz of exaggeration lol
i've been there once many moons ago !!!! was cool
I think Tabbi's suggestion is good people who are interested pm us so i know who is coming then send out meet details .......
area is dartford way unless there are other ideas please !!
your thoughts please
Anyone else interested in coming ?????????
None bikers also welcome but not to the ride out .....drinkies only !!!!!!
all welcome for drinkies !! XX
well guys and girls. i'm already looking forward tothis meet, hope the weather holds? any views on the location yet?
will be PM'd to all who have PM'd me for confirmation area is dartford way......
rain or shine were going !!!!!!
hope the weather is good, i think a couple of us are meeting here then onto the meet,
Steve i will ring you in the week,you fixed that bike yet.
picking up rectifier on friday but i bought a CBR600 on sat but it wont be ready for the meet unless i push em ..........just wanted a back up bike in case of break downs !!!
flash bastard eh biggrin biggrin biggrin
call me whenever and leave message if i dont answer will get back to you ok
cheers andy
BUMP!!!!! biggrin
i'd like to cum along, been riding all my life and bikes too! located in kent so dartford or similar should bre easy. cool
Details are being sent out to people who replied ..........did i miss anyone ???
REMEMBER ITS 12 MID DAY TIME !! thanks i will try and be there early so just look for the World War II themed Harley ( cant Miss it )
Hope to see everyone bright and shiny ( i'll be sleeping on the motorway )
Steve + Vicky