Hi guys
Would any one like to join me at Chameleons for my Birthday Bash?
I know it is a little close to christmas but then again it is the party season so lets make it a great one and have some sexy and horny fun and celibrate my Birthday of course lol
All welcome and this invite is open to another site as well so please let me know if your are interested or want to come along so that I can tell Chams est numbers.
Hope to see you there
i will bring the present
and me plus 2
Hi hope to be able to come but will depend on finances closer christmas with all the expense
we will be coming to this. its chams xmas party nite too so will be very busy will be a great nite i'm sure
can we cum xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
we might not get there till later ..... will we still be able to get in as it sounds like its gonna be a busy night there ?
cant you change your birthday to another night im working friday :lol2:
We should be there simon, Jan is bringing her santa outfit!
Jan & Nick
Does the fact it's a party night mean the afternoon is going to be empty, or is anyone going to be there right from the off...??
I'm planning to be there in the afternoon but can't stay past early evening.
Dan / Manchester_Man