Oh - Heavy Heart.
Due mainly to the topic itself, and some of the comments/suggestions/ideas in the now locked thread about munch behaviour; it is with sincere and VERY deep regret that I have to tell you that I will not be putting on this Munch.
I'm hoping that nobody has yet made any firm arrangements and certainly not yet booked hotel rooms or had any financial outlay.
I do know that some have already rearranged other things and had to make a choice between Munching or "other stuff"
To those, and indeed, everyone - I can only apologise.
I am so very sorry.
Get your diaries out fer the lads ! !
It's a long way off yet, but I know various people are planning various things for next year, and on the back of last night's fun and frolics, we've decided to stage a joint birthday munch for me, HLB, and anyone else who's birthday falls around the same time.
Saturday 29 September because that's about half way between the two.
Sheffield/Derby type area.
Details to follow, just mark the date in your diary :thumbup: