It'll be some time in the first half of July. (I'll be 26 by the way). If you're open minded, respecable and into raving and missbehaving, - Bi fem would be a bonus, then drop a reply - if not you might get an invite anyway :D :P
Quote by Pushed
Hi folks, for the first time in ages I'm gonna be single on my birthday. So to cheer myself up I thaught I'd throw a week long party at my house... All I need is a few guests
It'll be some time in the first half of July. (I'll be 26 by the way). If you're open minded, respecable and into raving and missbehaving, - Bi fem would be a bonus, then drop a reply - if not you might get an invite anyway :D :P
Quote by Pushed
I cant believe I'm not inundated with PMs! Oh well