We are organising a social drinks and chat meet in Blackpool on Friday 16th November. We will be hosting it at a B & B and it will therefore be a private venue. Peeps can pop in for drinks and a laff or if preferred decide to stay over.
It will be informal and friendly and a great chance for people to meet for a social drink, chat and a good laugh.
Email if interested for details as numbers are limited.
Ok... I see this has been posted again....
May WE all ask, who the WE is that you state is organising this social??? As it says YOU are single on your profile
Im in blackpool and might be interested.
So might I.....(be interested in a social meeting, that is)!
In my reply to the pst i asked who the WE is that are organising the social.... as its a single profile.
I think the real problem is that you have issues with anything i Question or saying in replying to posts!!
Now getting back to the post, i am interested in it.
For clarification the "We" refers to a group of regular chatters, one of whom owns a B and B in Blackpool, so we are using her place as a venue.
I asked for peeps to email for details as it is a small group and limited size venue, so was a 1st come 1st serve offer.
Hope this clarify's the situation for you.
Thank you very much Vibes
No there is no charge, just pay for your own drinks at the bar if you drink and free food and nibbles are provided.
could be interested but need to know more