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Blue's 33rd Birthday Party.....

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OK folks, as some of you might have read in the cafe, it is my 33rd birthday next month :shock:
Satin and I are thinking of organising a house party to "celebrate" the occassion lol . We live in Chorley, which is Central Lancashire, near(ish) to M61 and M6 junctions. We're not sure about the date yet, but it will be a Saturday night. The date nearest my birthday is the 25th Sept, but that is the same date as the London Munch - would that make a difference? The next available date would be the 9th Oct.
Details of this party will only go out to forum members - details will not be posted in the photo ads or the chat room. Our house is quite small so numbers have to be limited.
This will be a sex party, I'm not going to try and bill it as anything else - although of course sex with me is not compulsory wink :wink: :wink: . The party will of course be free, just bring your own booze, condoms, toys etc etc :twisted:
This post is just to see who is interested at this stage. Everyone who is known on the forum is invited, numbers permitted. It doesn't matter if you are straight, bi, gay, TV or whatever. Single guys are of course invited, but it would be nice to have some couples and single girls there too :lol: :lol: :lol:
If this sounds interesting, post on this thread. Please don't PM your interest at this stage as I'll forget who sent them rolleyes - however, you can ask me questions by PM if you want to. Also, feel free to suggest the most appropriate date for you.
wow...I'm first to respond? what'd going on here? well, I'm certainly interested in your lil shindig. Although we've not *reeeeealy* chatted on the forum, (we have, but briefly), I'll hopefully see you at the munch tomorrow and I can introduce myself properly smile
Both of those dates are fine by me, not to sure I like the sound of this 'sex party' thing, sounds a bit brazen to me... oh well, I'm over it. Count me in!
hi there
count us in,and if lee is on nights i will try and get a lift lol
cya soon jo xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
purlease blue can i come . . . . . can i . . . . :bounce: that neilnoshow thing's a vicious lie i tell you, honest! and i'll bring loadsa brandy 'n' stuff honest!
neil x x x x ;-)
I'm very interested Blue. Either date would be good for me. I'll speak to my darling GF too and see if we can make it two of us. Good luck with organising it.
Blue I would love to come....... just whatever date is best for everyone and I'll try and fit in....... I'm not that far either. GingerJo if you need a lift just ask........ smile
the next available date is the date of the North-east munch. :cry: :cry: :cry: .... so from a greedy standpoint i obvioulsy would love it to be sept 25.......
but obviously that would be your call honey....
sean xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Plenty of interest then lol :lol: :lol:
I'll sort out a definate date ASAP and post it in this thread. If I haven't met you before and you're at the munch tomorrow, make sure you find me and say hello so that I know you're genuine and all that :lol:
Fabio, I did realise the 9th Oct was the date of the NE munch after I'd posted the thread. Hopefully, we can sort out a date that is suitable for as many people as possible :lol: .
I'd love to go Blue but I can't make 25th cause of the London Munch and I can't make 9th cause of the NE about 2nd October?
Of course it's YOUR birthday so it's entirely up to you.....LoL.....but I'd love to come.....
Hope you have a great time at the Munch.....
DreamerHelen, we can't make it the 2nd Oct cos we're already busy on that night, so it is going to have to be the 25th or the 9th. Shame you can't make either, you're just sooooooo much in demand lol
The rest of you who've replied to this thread already have PMs :lol:
Hi Blue, orally Bi guy would love to get an invite...(we spoke before,and nearly met..!!.l.o.l.)
Any of the dates you mentioned are fine,...just a thought,why dont you locate the nearest hotel for those of us lucky enough for an invite can retire afterwards should they not wish to drive home on the date..
Mark wink
Mark, yes, I have the phone numbers of three local(ish) hotels in case people want to stay at a hotel. People are quite welcome to crash in the house though. I will give people more specific details once I have a proper date sorted and I know definately how many people want to come. Consider yourself invited though lol
Thanks Blue, looking forward to meeting a few new friends ....just let me know when you have a firm date,...(no pun intended..) did I just say that???
Oh well, never mind.....have fun then guys.....I'll be at your next Birthday party..... wink
Oh all right then Blue....Seeing as it's you I'll make an effort to come and ruffle your fur smile
No really....I'd love to come. I like a good party.......
Hi sweetie
I would love to attend if I may (pending my availability)
You can have your hat back ;)
Love Nicky
Bikerguy and Nicky you both have PMs lol
A slight change of date though I'm afraid.....
Due to Satin's work and babysitter availability, the only date we can arrange it is for the Friday night - 24th Sept.... yeah, I know I said it would be a Saturday, but these things happen rolleyes
But Friday 24th Sept is the definate date so get that in your diaries.... hope you guys who already have invites can still make it :lol:
The party will go on for as long as people want to party :lol: . If you want to crash out at the house that is fine but we won't be able to make everyone comfortable (unless sleeping on the floor is OK with you wink ). There are three B&Bs within a short cab ride if you would prefer to book a room. I can send you the details if you let me know. Of course, if you don't want to party all night, that's fine too :lol:
More details to follow, once I have a better idea of numbers etc.
Now, off to go and get ready for the munch cool 8-) 8-)
Hi Blue
I'd love to come if I'm free then. :idea: Maybe I could make the tea or perhaps you could find something else for me to do? redface surprisedops:
Byeeeeeee xx
Eagerslut, you will have a PM in a min lol
hey there blue and everyone else... not expecting an invite, but just thought i'd say hello!!! have a good un!!! xx
Well - this sounds like it could be the party to end all parties!
I'm probably still too new for an invite but I hope you all have a good time!
i think we should have a dress code eg fancy dress or dress to impress sexy, there should be no shirt and ties etc, this is a swingers party after all :twisted: :twisted:
i want this to be a very special night for blue and hope all those who are coming can help me to do that.
i will be in my maids uniform for the night and will be on hand to do anyones biding :twisted: :twisted:
everyone take note of judytv shes got the idea biggrin :D :D
Yup please have a dress code, will help me decide what kind of clothes to wear my main fear regarding other meets has been what to wear. Wish i lived nearer than i could get Judy to advise me at the Afflecks palce. I used to go their in my youth to buy punk albums!!
Hmmm.......'spose leather could count as fancy dress or sexy dress cool smile
I'm keeping my helmet on though..... 8-)
Thanx Blue
I was going to ask you about accommodation in the area but on second thoughts I think I'll be more comfortable on your floor,if that's ok?
I won't do the tea then but how about I provide the scone redface surprisedops: and I'll leave it up to others to provide the cream. Not sure about the jam though!!
biggrin :D
Can I put my name on the list for the party pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee worship
I just need to make sure Im on a late start at work on the saturday lol
Lucy xxxx
ps .............. just dont let gingerjo near any steps ....... I dont want to visit another hospital lol
Waylander, Drexx and Lucy, you all have PMs lol
Blue,we'd love to come and help you celebrate your birthday with you but can't get to you,hope you have a great time,(as if you wouldnt!! lol )
(and you don't look nearly 33 either!!)