By the way, looking forward to my "punishment"!.........I never wear knickers!
Natalie XXX
Quote by dippergt750
This is supposed to be a no pressure meeting as per your first posting if I understand correctly.
There is one person on here who has contacted me by PM twice having got my profile from this thread. The person has indeed posted on the thread but does NOT appear on the confirmed or unconfirmed guest list.
Now being contacted in this way does not really bother me, but the guy won't take no for an answer! As I assume that it will not be just me he's messaging (I mean I'm a stunner, but not THAT stunning) then he's going to start putting someone off as the messages I got read ever so slightly pervy....even for a swingers site.
I have PM'd you with his "handle".
Natalie XXX
Quote by dippergt750
I'm not in the least bothered, as I said earlier. Have been on this sceene for a long time now and I do know how it of my pet peeves is the number of idiots on this particular site in fact.
I was simply concerned that you wanted the "newbies" to be comfortable and this guy comes across as pushy...not what you intended as I understand.
Wildbrightoncouple will have to wait till Saturday to see if they got it right!
Natalie XXX
Quote by Wildbrightoncup
Ah, we're new to this site, but have been in various clubs and so on so we are well aware of how pushy some people (not always just men lol) can be.. and we're pretty good at saying no very nicely indeed![]()
I do hope that my suspicions are proved correct on Sat!!
Quote by Jon-doecouple
please forward the details so if we are brave enough to face you all![]()
ops: :oops: we can come along
Quote by sensiblefolks
Hi there, we are 39m and 42f. Have met one other couple before but never gone to something like this and would love to try it.
Not sure if we are 100% able to make Sat night yet but would like to be invited if possible and have directions etc.
Quote by rocker959
Hi Marie xx and all
just to say looking forward to meeting you and everybody Saturday evening and just to say for myself as a person and also as a single male that i detest pushy people in any context and I am a respectful person whom will respect all attendees , ladies and there partners alike with the total respect they deserve. Will assume or presume nothing of anyone and be pleased with the opportunity to meet some new, like minded fun people and have a great evening whatever its course xxx take care all and see you soon and thank you Marie for organising the meet xx rocker959
Quote by Wildbrightoncup
All sounds good Marie - thanks again for organising this social!
Due to this development will you be putting a limit on the number of people who can attend or will you be taking newcomers up until the end of play Saturday? (am so nosey lol)