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Bristol munch April 22nd 2 days to go!!! Venue details sent!

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Venue details have now gone out! If you have not recieved a pm please let me know.
****UPDATE**** 13/04/06
Due to some members not being able to make the munch, I am now able to re-open the list, there is room for 20 more people to come so if you are interested, please read the rest of this post for details and eligibilty rules. Please post in the thread or drop me a pm if you would like to attend smile
Right you 'orrible lot! There are a few people for whom Bristol will be their first munch. Understandably they are nervous, so I am going to ask for volunteers to be 'handholders'.
Basically I need a few volunteers, who are munch veterans, who are happy to exchange a few emails, answer a few questions and look after our newer members for an hour or so at the munch. If you would like to help out, please reply in the thread or drop me a PM. Thanks.

Confirmation PMs have been sent to all those on the list for this munch, please reply to them ASAP as I have members on a reserve list who can take your place if you are no longer attending. If I do not receive a reply I will not be sending you the venue details
I will not be putting food on for the munch.
I could also use a couple more volunteers for door security. Thanks.

:beer:Bristol munch Saturday April 22nd 2006:beer:

PM's have gone out to those members who were down on the list as definates. If you were a provisional member, please pm if you are still interested. There is a reserve list and if you are unable to attend I can give your place to another member.
The munch will be held in a venue in the Bristol area-for those unsure of what a munch is take a look here
All the usual rules will apply-you will need to be an active member of the site (Forum or Chatroom). If you are a new member of the site interested in going then get yourself known a bit or if you know an established member then ask them to vouch for you. The cut off date for new members is Feb 22nd 2006.
The venue can hold approx 100 people, there will be a DJ . I am hoping to offer this as a free event, but depending on the total costs incurred there may be a 'hat' passed around-contributions are entirely voluntary
As per the guidelines I will pm the details of the venue to those members who have confirmed that they are attending about 2 weeks before the date.
Any volunteers for door security would be welcomed by pm.
So get your names down and let's make it a munch to remember !! :beer: :beer:
Minx x x
You can put us down as definates Bi hun wink :wink: :wink: :wink:
I think this event could prove to be a great one lol :lol: :lol: :lol:
The Muttleys :inlove:
Quote by The Muttleys
You can put us down as definates Bi hun wink :wink: :wink: :wink:
I think this event could prove to be a great one lol :lol: :lol: :lol:
The Muttleys :inlove:

Thanks guys will do :thumbup:
Minx x x
Oooh, oooh, pick me, pick me!!!!!
Please can I come, lovely miss BiWelshMinx, please, please please? Also did I mention you're lovely and really nice and stuff? wink (Hope I haven't over-done it on the flattery side) :P
Quote by MadAtGravity
Oooh, oooh, pick me, pick me!!!!!
Please can I come, lovely miss BiWelshMinx, please, please please? Also did I mention you're lovely and really nice and stuff? wink (Hope I haven't over-done it on the flattery side) :P

Lmao flattery will get you everywhere hun ;) I got you on the list hun ;)
Minx x x
Quote by BiWelshMinx
Oooh, oooh, pick me, pick me!!!!!
Please can I come, lovely miss BiWelshMinx, please, please please? Also did I mention you're lovely and really nice and stuff? wink (Hope I haven't over-done it on the flattery side) :P

Lmao flattery will get you everywhere hun ;) I got you on the list hun ;)
Minx x x
Woohoo!!!!!!! :bounce:
Put us down as a definate maybe hun
We havent been to bristol for a few years will be nice to go again
Olive and Popeye
Quote by oliveoyl
Put us down as a definate maybe hun
We havent been to bristol for a few years will be nice to go again
Olive and Popeye

Consider it done hun kiss
Minx x x
Quote by naughtynymphos1
we'll be there :thumbup:

Sorted ;)
Minx x x
Hi Sexy BiWeslhMinx,
I would love to come to your party if i can please, It would be great to put some faces to names.
Anyway hope to get a reply
Jon29_366528 xxxx
Hi Hun
Can i please go to you munch
Thanx babe ............... we will let you know nearer the time !!! lol
Life with kids eh ?
Sam xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Hello and thanks for the pm count me in .
hey can you put me down for this 1 please please please wink
Jon29-I know you from chat so I will put you down :thumbup:
Bi-Guy-Notts-nuff said ;)
Blonde-no worries hun I know the feeling :P
Taffyone-I will stick you on a provisional list for now-get posting a bit more or let me know if you have someone who can vouch for you biggrin
James(jim)-can someone vouch for you from Plymouth? I will put you on provisional list til then. :D
Minx x x
Hiya Minx,
:rose: Could you possibly find it in your beautiful heart :rose: to maybe consider, putting us on the list? we would love to come up to bristol, and it is the day after my birthday!!
Perlease biggrin :rose:
Ooooooooh can I come? Can I Can I? :bounce: :bounce:
I hope you say yes as you're in my Diary now and I DO hate to tippex things out in there..... wink
Quote by the owl and the pussycat
it is the day after my birthday!!

Ooh, me too.
Can I be put down as a prov for this one Bi, please?
Hi Minx
Thanks for the pm - please put me on list!!
chris x
The owl and the pussycat- you're on the list :thumbup:
Dreamerhelen- I thought you were never going to ask ;)
Edin Bbw - on the provisional list as requested smile
Kingofswing1- you're on the list :thumbup:
Minx x x
A munch? In Bristol? In April? 2006?
could I possibly be allowed to come please, Binxy?
( and count me in for a stint on the door too...)
:happy: :happy: :happy: :happy: :happy: :happy:
Quote by postie
A munch? In Bristol? In April? 2006?
could I possibly be allowed to come please, Binxy?
( and count me in for a stint on the door too...)
:happy: :happy: :happy: :happy: :happy: :happy:

:doh: Check the list my lil feline friend-your name is already down :thumbup:
And thanks for the offer hun-it's appreciated kiss
Minx x x
Quote by BiWelshMinx
A munch? In Bristol? In April? 2006?
could I possibly be allowed to come please, Binxy?
( and count me in for a stint on the door too...)
:happy: :happy: :happy: :happy: :happy: :happy:

:doh: Check the list my lil feline friend-your name is already down :thumbup:
And thanks for the offer hun-it's appreciated kiss
Minx x x
double :doh: ( i knew i asked on the "other" thread, but thought i had to ask in here too.. redface )
Thanks Binxy :inlove:
Can i offer some credability and ask for an invite?
Quote by Happy Cats
Can i offer some credability and ask for an invite?

:shock: ( good job I offered to do the door.... ) :lol2:
Quote by postie
Can i offer some credability and ask for an invite?

:shock: ( good job I offered to do the door.... ) :lol2:
U know this arse Postie hun ? He needs to be vouched for... :giggle: :giggle: :giggle: :giggle:
jk Happycats you are on the list biggrin
Binxy x x x
Quote by BiWelshMinx
Can i offer some credability and ask for an invite?

:shock: ( good job I offered to do the door.... ) :lol2:
U know this arse Postie hun ? He needs to be vouched for... :giggle: :giggle: :giggle: :giggle:
jk Happycats you are on the list biggrin
Binxy x x x
Unfortunatly I do know him, quite well too... though you wont need to send him a list of hotels. Just point him at any car-park with a camper van in.... lol
Arse? I ask you - arse?
Arses if you dont mind, there will be 2 of us
Now wouldn't it be funny if the camper van could be moved................ Can't find the hotel OR the camper van :shock: :grin: