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brummadroom out again sat 29th march gr8 fun all welcome

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hi there hol-happycouple and myself are goin into town sat 29th march for a drink the more the merrier pop into brum mad room 4 a chat and find out details were and when look forward 2 cing ya or post and we will get back 2 you asap we have had a couple of great nites so come and join us mad lot xx it wiil b on broad st.................rumour has it its mr hols bday so dont miss another mad nite out.
Ooooooo let me see wats wat, u may just see me there again lol
Quote by blue22222
hi there hol-happycouple and myself are goin into town sat 29th march for a drink the more the merrier pop into brum mad room 4 a chat and find out details were and when look forward 2 cing ya or post and we will get back 2 you asap we have had a couple of great nites so come and join us mad lot xx it wiil b on broad st.................rumour has it its mr hols bday so dont miss another mad nite out.

great nite out yet again i hope see you there ........oh and its mr Hols turn to get pissed this time lol .... xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Quote by Little_miss1967
Ooooooo let me see wats wat, u may just see me there again lol
We had better see you there as i'm hoping to be there again and enjoy all the madness that you lot bring. so get that little black dress on on be there!!! :P evil biggrin
What a silly question,we are out to play xxx
I maybe married by then, if so I will bring my new husband Blue with me,
c u there u mad lot,
Fren xxx flipa
OH go on then..
Ill force a cpl of vodka's down...just to be socaiable you understand rolleyes
we"ll be there xxxxxxxxxx
can you put our nanes down on list thank you sexysuei and hubby
mmmm maybe tempted to join the i need my certificate of insanity to join lol
Please include me I would love to be there.
add me up....about time i got off my arse and met you lot!!
looking 4ward 2 it, BROAD STREET BEWARE lol :twisted:
Quote by Greenz420
add me up....about time i got off my arse and met you lot!!

I totally agree smile
Count me in,be good to finally meet you mad lot
have 2 give mr hols a birthday prezzie mmmmmmmmmmmmmm cool
looks like being another gr8 nite only 2 weeks 2 go
im comming and its my first social be gentle with me lol
Hi guys hopefully i will be able to come with you can't wait to meet frenzzzzey and by lookin on here Hol-happycouple and ukanne too great tits ladies
please please blue can i cum xxxx
We would like to come, new to scene and be a great introduction! Bhamduo
we are interested too can we have details please
count me in
should be there if i can out of course, can wait to meet some of you lot!
Hi blue,can u put me down on the list please
Only a week to go, come on you mad lot, get ya names down, lol
Quote by blackrobb
hi, can i come along pls. it would be good to catch up with some of the folks on here lol.

mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm glad your coming be good to catch up sexy can't wait xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
just wondering if uve decided where ya going..will it b 80's ngt or has that changed again?lol
let us no then let ya no if we cumin or not
suzi xx
biggrinok then send us details plz up for an 80's night b fun!!
suzi xx