I think this a question more aimed at the regional chatrooms than anything else......
when the site first started it was just the one room, and people use to travel not the biggest of distances but you to go to events outside there area.....
it just got me thinking looking at the manchester social list that there are a lot of north east people going over.... i think this is great, but rare
now with the advent of the regional rooms.... why don't people do this much anymore...
for example just going thru the lists....
you rarely see people who are in the mids room, going to an event organised by the yorks room, and vice versa
people in the yorks room just travelling across the pennies to a NW room social...and vice versa
Scots room travelling down to a NE social or NW social... or vice versa
NE travelling to a Yorks social.... and vice versa
I would love to organise something huge where the chatrooms would all get together for just one night..... but i don't think that would ever happen because one lot on mass would just not bother.... or someone would organise something for the same night....
if i could get everyone on board I would probabaly have a go......
sean xxxxxxxxx
for me it is purly a matter of finances i cannt go to them all the hotels and the petrol and the spending money all need to come from somwhere. as well as taking the time off work. i would rather save my money for the munches/social/ parties that are more local to me and where i will meet the people that i chat to most of the time......... saying that i also am going to the singles social that is further away than i normaly go. i had my name on another munch but due to another comitment i have had to cancel it but am gutted to have had to choose which function i can go to but friends come b4 fun. if it wasnt for the finances and work commitment then i wouldnt mind the traveling to the munches and socials especialy.
tiger i can understand this as i feel the same i am planted in the nw room but i venture out to the mids room occasionaly just to say hi etc and was the main reason for me putting my name on the munch list but i will have to wait for the next 1 b4 i can meet peeps i have been chatting to in your main room.
i feel if you intend on going to a munch in a particular area hen you should at least make an effort and go into that room for a chat a little while b4 the event just so that you know some names and will have at least a chance to chat to peeps.
We have recently had folks from other areas coming to our Scots munchs and socials and some of us Scots do travel to other munch's,in fact a few went to the Manchester one last month.
Beacuse I have to visit every room on the site I get to talk to nearly everyone and if I could I would go to every social.
But it does hapen ppl do vist other areas and as Tiger_lily says, it all boils down to the money side of things
the only reason i put the question out there and i thought it was an interesting one to ask....
in relations to the original question, I am not really talking about travelling hundred's of miles to munches, as i know this takes planning, hotels money ect.... if i didn't make that clear then i apologise
just for example the distance between derby (mids room) and sheffield (yorks room) (45 minutes in a car) but you don't see people going to each others room socials...
or the distance between sheffield/leeds and manchester, again not a big journey... but it seems there is a huge room divide...
a social in stoke and social in manchester... travelling distance, not that much.... but one list full of mids room people, the other full of nw room people
I just thought it was interesting to ask as there are 2 socials tonight.. one in darlington, one in doncaster, travelling distance between them no more than an hour in a car... yet one is full of north east room going, and one is full of yorks room going
I think that is what i found more interesting, i think what i am asking is that if it isn't a social being held by a room you go by a regional room you don't go in, even if it was next door, would you not be interested in going???
sean xxx
i think if a social or munch is within an hours travel of each other then its bad planning on the organisers part and i would rather go to a local place if i had to choose on the same night, if on different dates then its both i would like to attend as long as not too close in date (if the cash allowed for both)
also the thing is....before the advent of the new regional chat rooms...there were not that many socials.
For example in the midlands now there is on average two socials at least per month.
I personally like the local socials as its people I either already know...or have at least chatted in one of the rooms. so I feel comfortable in the situation.
I've travelled a long way to munches, but that's because they are open to everyone.
I have always assumed (possibly wrongly, given your question, Fabs) that chatroom socials were just for those people who are regulars of those chatrooms.
As I don't go in any regional rooms, I don't go to any regional chatroom socials.
I know exactly what you mean Fabio, having been around since the old days here in SH, like you have, and having attended quite a few munches - in my case, everywhere from Bristol to London to Newcastle to Glasgow. It's surely just a natural consequence of this site being as huge as it is now, that it would fragment into groups, both regional and special interest, for chat, and therefore, socially.
"Old stagers" like us either adapt or go down the road.
As we briefly touched on in the chatroom, some of us are of the old skool munching and the events then were few and far between - in mileage and by the calendar!
My finances are such that I simply cannot do the distances i used to but I also don't do many local events now either 'cos it's just not like the big ones. I miss the big ones - they're well worth the effort, I just can't afford the effort.
On the back of this conversation, as you know, I've stuck my name down for a social in Manc and it will be great to meet new people!
Ya know ... when these events were just Manc, Notts, Essex, whatever ... remember the countless people who whinged there was nothing in their area?
I know what ya saying. I like the option of all these chatrooms but for what we've gained, we've also lost that one big (happy???ummm ...) family thing.