get well soon minx luv u babes
You will be joining me in the fancy dress bit cockslut? Also didn't read the topless bit in the pool was embarrassed to find I'd put my name down for a women's pool tournament.
love to see ur bum again tuberoo very nice babes xxxxxxxx
errr..... bum? cough cough cough!
Hi guys - whens the latest I can let you know I can make it ? (if invited that is )
I wasn't aware it was my bum you were looking at easy. although I suppose at the time other parts might have been more hidden from view. Bottomless sounds ok to me I might have to have someone hold my que between shots though cocky
Hi cockslut, please put my name down - should be picking up the kids for Christmas but will try to put that off a day - sounds like great fun, Jack xx
hi could i be added to your list would love to come.. but would depend on work if i can attend...
i can vouch for john n elaine xxxxxx
hi huni, i know we've spoken and you've included me, but thought id come on here anyway as being a newbie on the site im still finding me way around. see ya soon x
Hi ya cock, can you add me to the list plz, any probs & i'll let you kno xxxxxxxxx
not long now folks....... 3 more sleeps xxxxxx
Hi -may I be added to your list -I hope to be able to come -many thanks, if i may have details
Could I be added on the list
only 2 more sleeps mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
cant wait :beer: :beer: :beer: :beer: :beer: :beer: :beer: :beer: :beer: :beer: :beer: :beer: :beer: :beer:
I'm afraid you may have to take my name off the list witty isn't feeling well so now I have nowhere to stay so I can't really come up.
sorry cocky i can't make it friday, one off my mates passed away last week and its his funeral friday. see you all at the next one . Alex x x x
Can you take me off the list please cock, sorry xxxx