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Couple for single lady

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Warming the Bed
Hi guys,
I know I have said I'm single before...but not for this one........
This is my first post in the LMU section, had a few in the cafe...crazy bunch in there. Just been chatting to my ex. We split up about a month ago. We had always spoke about having a 3some but never did. Turns out that she is up for it now more than ever having snogged a lesbian at the weekend (only for fun).
She is however a little unsure about what kind of woman she'll go for, as she is a size 6/8 and has very small tits, she kind of wants someone similar because she doesn't want to feel inadequate. So really for the first time we are thinking size 12, C cup, age 30 max. Sorry to cut out so many people but it's not up to me this time.
As it would be here first time with a woman, you'll need to be patient and understanding, and more importantly enjoy a bottle of wine or two.
I guess I should mention it incase the tittle doesn't give it away, but guys not this time, sorry.
***just had another phone conversation, she doesn't want the wine, champagne and strawberries. That's my fault, got her a taste for DP 95 champagne***
Look forward to your replies