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Derby Drinks Social ~ Tonight Wooohooooo *******************

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Seeing as this is about the only weekend free at the moment we're thinking of hosting another drinks night in Derby.
As last time it'll be a purely vanilla social in a normal vanilla pub! Although i'm sure we weren't discreet last time lol Probably won't be the same pub as last time, but we'll let people know nearer the time.
Quote by Added in edit to clarify
It will be in a vanilla environment and very casual, it's a social not a dress to impress do, in a pub on the outskirts of Derby and as there are now 45 people on the list I've managed to get a room for us seperate from the rest of the bar.

Bob Evens
Blonde & Steveg_nw
Calista & Morbius
Freckledbird & Mr FB

HornylittleBlonde & Dambuster
Jane and Will
Jas & Tim
KazBBW & Mr KazBBW
Midlands Male
Mistress Sassy
Molly & Chris
Mr 10 & Molly
Mr Horny
Neal & Fiona
Wildrose & Staggy

PM or post here if youre interested smile
Calista x
I'd like to come along to this please biggrin
Darkfire smile of course
Gonna bump this as I've had a few people pm me but need a fair few more yet ;)
C x
Could i put myself and Mrs KazBBW down for this please :angel:
G & K
Looking at about 10 people so far smile not putting a list up but bumping this.
Quote by Calista
Looking at about 10 people so far smile not putting a list up but bumping this.

Boing! said Zebedee lol
Why did you bump that when i was about to express an interest in going/??
Can't promise i will make it, as it would be 3 weekends on the trot I'd be out and about.. with yours in the middle.... but could you put me down as a probably please Mrs Calista?
Hi, I would love to cu.....ooops! come
Thank god there IS life in derbyshire, I've obviously been hanging out in the wrong places.
Hiya can we both be put provisionally on the list please we missed the last one :cry:
Have to check with work comitments, but should be ok
Mr and Mrs goodtimez
can we have our names put down please if youll have us again??
Bailiffs, Goodtimez, Pjolloper have added you to my list.
Got about 20 names now .. any more????
Can me and Dammie come please! kiss
Be great to see you both again
Quote by HornyLittleBlonde
Can me and Dammie come please! kiss
Be great to see you both again

Hey hon, you know your welcome to cum anytime you like ;)
Thanx wink
Mr goodtimez
Quote by postie
Why did you bump that when i was about to express an interest in going/??
Can't promise i will make it, as it would be 3 weekends on the trot I'd be out and about.. with yours in the middle.... but could you put me down as a probably please Mrs Calista?

:shock: spooky hmmm *? Either that or I knew you'd add your name because you're turning into a munch whore lol
Quote by freckledbird
Why did you bump that when i was about to express an interest in going/??
Can't promise i will make it, as it would be 3 weekends on the trot I'd be out and about.. with yours in the middle.... but could you put me down as a probably please Mrs Calista?

:shock: spooky hmmm *? Either that or I knew you'd add your name because you're turning into a munch whore lol
Just a munch whore? :twisted:
I might be free on the 18th ( who am i kidding, of course i am rolleyes ) and would to meet you all in Derby for a snifter of wine (or whatever lol ).
Can you stick my name on the list as well please ?
Quote by Morbius
Why did you bump that when i was about to express an interest in going/??
Can't promise i will make it, as it would be 3 weekends on the trot I'd be out and about.. with yours in the middle.... but could you put me down as a probably please Mrs Calista?

:shock: spooky hmmm *? Either that or I knew you'd add your name because you're turning into a munch whore lol
Just a munch whore? :twisted:
Well, I wouldn't know about any other type of whore :angel:
Could u put us on your list pleeaaaseee darling
Molly xx
Quote by freckledbird
Why did you bump that when i was about to express an interest in going/??
Can't promise i will make it, as it would be 3 weekends on the trot I'd be out and about.. with yours in the middle.... but could you put me down as a probably please Mrs Calista?

:shock: spooky hmmm *? Either that or I knew you'd add your name because you're turning into a munch whore lol
Just a munch whore? :twisted:
Well, I wouldn't know about any other type of whore :angel:
The thing is, I can't deny it.... redface
Nomad_soul and Molly & Chris smile have added you to my list :)
Should be a good night out so far with 26 names so far ....
Any more for anymore
C x
can we put our names down as it in our back yard Calista lol :lol:
Quote by rams_cpl
can we put our names down as it in our back yard Calista lol :lol:

I'm sure Calista said in was in a local pub, :lol:
is you back yard clean and tidy???????
You mean you're supposed to cut grass? (looks embarrassingly at her garden ..hmmmm)
Have added you Rams_Cpl .....
Not posting a list yet .. will post one a few days prior to the event biggrin
C x
Quote by Sarah
can we put our names down as it in our back yard Calista lol :lol:

I'm sure Calista said in was in a local pub, :lol:
is you back yard clean and tidy???????

yes it is sarah r u cumin hun xxxxxxxxxxxx
as it is in derby that is our back yard
Quote by rams_cpl
can we put our names down as it in our back yard Calista lol :lol:

I'm sure Calista said in was in a local pub, :lol:
is you back yard clean and tidy???????

yes it is sarah r u cuminhun xxxxxxxxxxxx
as it is in derby that is our back yard
No this munch whore is in semi retirement, and having time out from some munches for a short while.................
But I am sure you will all have fun and a wonderful evening :cheers:
I'd like to be added as a possible please....thank you smile
Quote by postie
Can't promise i will make it, as it would be 3 weekends on the trot I'd be out and about.. with yours in the middle.... but could you put me down as a probably please Mrs Calista?

Scrub that probable bit and put me down as a definate please! biggrin