yes we do meet up with people - thats why we use this site!
Rarely would we ever meet someone that night- we have once chatted to a girl in chat and she has come round that night, but we wouldn't go making a habit of it, and that was a very exceptional circumstance- she was hot!
I doubt it very much we would ever want to meet someone else that same night!
hope this helps,
m xx
I'm sure women do.....but i think the profile might be a factor in that.....if a profile gives nothing up about the person.....your more than likely be put to the bottom of the pile!......did i mention the profile??
Yes it does we have met some wunderful people in private and at a munch an we hope for some more
As a single female (despite recent accusations... lol!) I can say that I've rarely met someone through a 'forum' mind you having said that some of the nicest people that I've met have been through forums.
I have met one person on the same night - was a mistake. Now prefer to get to know people a bit more.
Chatrooms are good if the conversation is more intelligent than your 'average' shite here's my c*ck conversations - but generally I'm won over by conversation in whatever forum, then attractive people meets.
Hope that answers some of your questions ?
amber x