Hi guys
Last week I was looking to setup my girlfriend for a right old Rogering when we meet tonight. There has been a little problem setting things up because I have had no real offers to help with the set up. I have spoken with my girlfriend about the possibility of three way fun and she has agreed to discuss the matter further tonight with the possibility of spreading them thier legs.
However she has insisted that I take along a couple of pics of possible candidates, who must be white with decent body and 6.5 to 8 inch cock able to go all night and definatly bisexual as I want to join in. If anyone is genuinly interested post us up a pick and your phone No as I am hoping she will agree to open her legs to a suitable candidate tonight and if not tonight definatly within the next few weeks.
email any phone number sent without an accompanying picture will be binned. My wife is home at the moment so will have to read posts as I get the oppourtunity. BTW my girlfriend is Chinese 30 years old and a right bloody Nimphet. if you don't post you will never know if the lucky candidate is YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The reason you are probably not getting all the attention you want is because you have only been here a few days and the fact you have openly admitted you are cheating on your wife with your best friends girlfriend!! We might be swingers, but even swingers consider trust a big a priority as the size of your cock and how horny she is.
swingers are any 1 who wants to swing wether there cheats or not
it doesnt bother me wether im going with a cheat or not
its all about fun at the end of the day
good luck
well if my guy was bi i would of put his name forward to meet you both
good luck
jo x
how can your wife meet your sexual or spiritual needs if she doesn't know what they are (you have said you are bi but wife doesn't know) ?
basically you have a poor excuse for a marriage and so does your girlfriend if she also cheats. the fact that you are also cheating on your brother makes the cheating even more despicable IMHO...and i concur with what mal said about the majority of us swingers being at least honest (and unwilling to take part in anything behind someone's back, as it were)
less of the sarcasm you - people are giving you genuine advice about what this site is about and for, and it's mostly NOT about cheating. If you don't like the advice then move on - DON'T respond like that.
Well, as much as I disagree with someone who cheats with his brother's wife, at least he is being honest with us, by being upfront about the situation he is in.
Most people in his situation wouldn't mention it in the first place....
I wasn't after advice, I wasn't after judgement statements and I sure aint after being pulled to pieces for being a screwed up little fool.
I know what i'm doing and I aint proud of the deceet and wish I could be open but I'm to much of a cowered for that. But I aint comming here just to be slagged of because I don't conform to certain peoples ideals We are all different and judgments are not needed I don't care or would not judge others on here so ask that others don't judge me.
people are giving you genuine advice about what this site is about.
No some people are judging what a crazy sittuation I have gotten myself into . And it aint on Sorry if I upset some peoples values.
hi there take no notice of jags there is no job for him here every where i read messages jags is always slagging everyone off im supprised the other mods have not noticed this you carry on as you are ok
I always thought Jags was a female!
and female or male, Jags is a good moderator - and why would the other moderators not notice the posts??
By the way, Mal is a moderator too and he appears to agree with Jags!
:giveup: :giveup: :giveup: :giveup: Please.
we've not had a good week, but coming in here usually gives us something to smile about.
is the white flag to waft away the smell of the silent but deadly fart ?