Am being posted to Melrose in Scotland to sort summit out! Any prospect of action in this far flung corner of the civilized world or must one commute to a metropulis nearby?Dogging is the preferred POISON .BUTT?? Chaps in the office sayed something about SHEEPishness BUTT I Need my wellies.. work!!Any randy Landladies looking for a lodger for5 months?
My dear? It depends how far you flung summit as to weather it is Far again, can we believe any measurements we see on here?so who nose? aboot Melrose? as for civilizationed me is pritty shoor it will be all thu more so after my visitation? HOWEVER! yoo seem confident I shall find sum interesting diversions from my labours and I look foreward to sum more Intelligance gathering information from agents on this site....--..... .. ----... ...---... :shock: