I think it's time to re-evaluate genuine phone sex as an erotic pastime. It's been spoiled by all the 0900 numbers and stupid recordings, which are about as erotic as a wet fish. The real thing, when a sexy voice is murmuring in your ear as the two of you move irresistibly towards mutual maximum arousal, is a totally different matter.
There are several elements that produce its potent effect. First, you are both there because you want to be, ready to try things out and experiment A willing partner is a great turn-on. Second, it goes straight to the imagination - whoever and whatever you are in the real world, in your temporary fantasy you can collude in a situation where both parties can close their eyes, drift away, and be ANYONE for the duration of the call. Third, it's easy, none-threatening and completely under control. If you don't like what you're getting, hang up. Fourth, despite all the freedoms which we enjoy, there is still a little frisson about this one - phone sex is still kind of .
This is what I would like. I'm a heterosexual male, interested in the possibilities of long-distance arousal with one willing woman at a time. If that's you, I'm happy to provide a number for you to ring, at a time that we can arrange. Feel free to keep your number secret if you want - though I will never ring and embarrass you!
Does anybody else feel that this area of pleasure has been unfairly treated?
Anybody out there?