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Essex Munch II - 4th June- TODAY :)

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386 replies
19 watchers
Quote by bles1
it must of becasuse
of biggots that wishy is not invited t c god bless every 1 how narrowed minded u all r

Quote by bles1
it must of becasuse
of biggots that wishy is not invited t c god bless every 1 how narrowed minded u all r

Quote by bles1
it must of becasuse
of biggots that wishy is not invited t c god bless every 1 how narrowed minded u all r

Whatever your problem bles this is not the place for it.
I think we have to be grateful that someone has taken over the running of this munch rather then it failing completely, thanks Mister_Discreet
Dawn biggrin
Quote by Wishmaster
Before this gets out of hand I would like to say in Mr D's defence that the list was closed when I asked to go... I knew the list was closing on the 21st May so I could have asked to go before then. I didn't. My fault.
Have a great night everyone, I'm sure you shall see me at the next one.

Quote by bles1
it must of because
of biggots that wishy is not invited t c god bless every 1 how narrowed minded u all r

Quite apart from a feeling of dunno , I think that Wishmaster put his side of the story across nearly 2 hours before your tuppenceworth - and quite apart from making your post look hasty and ill-thought out at best, would have been freely made by him.
So the question everyone ( ok, just me then ) wants answered is what was the point of your post?
Quote by Wishmaster
Before this gets out of hand I would like to say in Mr D's defence that the list was closed when I asked to go... I knew the list was closing on the 21st May so I could have asked to go before then. I didn't. My fault.
Have a great night everyone, I'm sure you shall see me at the next one.

Chardonnay closed the list on 12th May because of the bereavement in her family. If that's the cut-off date, there will be plenty more people who will be disappointed because they too asked after the 12th May (and still some who asked after 21st May).
So. Should we toss for it? Vote for it?
Should Wishmaster be allowed to join us or not. If not, why not?
........................... confused:
Depends on the reason for him being refused I think. If it's the cut-off date, then there are other people who should also be refused. If they are allowed to go, then Wishmaster should be allowed too.
It would appear that some people believe that Steveg and I are in some way involved in Mr D's decision to not allow Wishmaster to go to the Essex Munch..............
This simply is not true.......................I would be happy for Wishmaster and his new Partner, Sunbunny to go to the munch....... both nice guys... both long term members
Hadn't heard that one yet, Blonde. No doubt it will sort itself. Hope everyone has a good time.
Quote by freckledbird
Hadn't heard that one yet, Blonde. No doubt it will sort itself. Hope everyone has a good time.

It's a story that's doing the rounds ................... believe me there's no truth in it though.
It's surprising how many people can get 2 + 2 to equal something more interesting than 4. mad
Quote by steveg_nw
Hadn't heard that one yet, Blonde. No doubt it will sort itself. Hope everyone has a good time.

It's a story that's doing the rounds ................... believe me there's no truth in it though.
It's surprising how many people can get 2 + 2 to equal something more interesting than 4. mad
You and I both know that it is mere gossip Steve... I know you have tried to help in this matter and I appreciate your efforts...
To alleviate the problem, I am withdrawing from the Essex Munch altogether.. ...... and please............ have a good night everyone..
The munches are great and I enjoy going to them immensely. There will be others and I shall see you all there.
Wishmaster I am going to follow your way on this..... and officially pull out!!!!
it seams that I am in a similar boat...............
I had my name down then could NOT make it for various reasons then i found out I could make it.
My name has been on the list before May....
I haev posted on the forum and PM the organisers and still no response. Its nice to know that even a simple sorry you cant come, or the event is full would have been nice.
Now I am having to let down people (both accomdation and travel). I agree with you wishmaster I assumed that a munch was open to all members regardless!!!!
Anyway the people are going i hope you have a blast!!!!!
Chardonnay -
Although I will still be at the munch, I won't be able to do a stint on the door now, so please bear that in mind when organising your event.
Quote by SunBunny
Chardonnay -
Although I will still be at the munch, I won't be able to do a stint on the door now, so please bear that in mind when organising your event.

Sunbunny I think Chards is no longer looking after this munch dunno
Quote by Mister_Discreet
Chardonnay has had a berevement in her family, which has left her without the necessary time, or inclination required to run the munch. We did consider cancelling it, but we have decided that it's best for me to take on a lot more of the day to day running of the list, dealing with PMs etc.
Just to clear up a few points, and hopefully put everyone's mind at rest.
I'd like to apologise to MikeC for losing his request to go back on the list, I've suddenly had to look after over 100 confirmations, cancellations, reapplications and so on. I added MikeC back to my list of people who have confirmed their attendance, but didn't tell hm I'd done it, or realise that he'd not had the venue details. You have a PM, Mike!
I have sent Wishmaster the venue details too, in case he decides that he would still like to attend.
If there is anyone else who has an issue about attendance, hasn't had a PM with the details but believes they are or should be on the list, please PM me and I'll do my best to sort things out.
Now the politics seems to be sorted wink (That's not a dig)
Is it time to get excited yet?
Can I Can I Can I ? ? ? ? ?
Quote by Chardonnay
drinkies :cheers: :beer: ummmmm yeah i think so :happy: :happy: :happy:

Thanks Sweetie kiss
WOOOOHOOOOOOOO ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! :bounce: :bounce: :bounce::bounce: :bounce: :bounce::bounce: :bounce: :bounce::bounce: :bounce: :bounce::bounce: :bounce: :bounce::bounce: :bounce: :bounce::bounce: :bounce: :bounce::bounce: :bounce: :bounce::bounce: :bounce: :bounce::bounce: :bounce: :bounce:
:happy: :happy: :happy: :happy: :happy: :happy: :happy: :happy: :happy: :happy: :happy: :happy:
:cheers: :drinkies: :cheers: :drinkies: :cheers: :drinkies: :cheers: :drinkies: :cheers: :drinkies: :cheers: :drinkies: :cheers: :drinkies: :cheers: :drinkies:
Can anybody guess how I'm feeling right now?
And what I'm looking forward to?
Quote by dambuster
Thanks Sweetie kiss
WOOOOHOOOOOOOO ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! :bounce: :bounce: :bounce::bounce: :bounce: :bounce::bounce: :bounce: :bounce::bounce: :bounce: :bounce::bounce: :bounce: :bounce::bounce: :bounce: :bounce::bounce: :bounce: :bounce::bounce: :bounce: :bounce::bounce: :bounce: :bounce::bounce: :bounce: :bounce:
:happy: :happy: :happy: :happy: :happy: :happy: :happy: :happy: :happy: :happy: :happy: :happy:
:cheers: drinkies :cheers: :drinkies: :cheers: :drinkies: :cheers: :drinkies: :cheers: :drinkies: :cheers: :drinkies: :cheers: :drinkies: :cheers: :drinkies:
Can anybody guess how I'm feeling right now?
And what I'm looking forward to?

Someones a happy bunny! lol
Quote by dambuster
drinkies :cheers: :beer: ummmmm yeah i think so :happy: :happy: :happy:

Thanks Sweetie kiss
WOOOOHOOOOOOOO ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! :bounce: :bounce: :bounce::bounce: :bounce: :bounce::bounce: :bounce: :bounce::bounce: :bounce: :bounce::bounce: :bounce: :bounce::bounce: :bounce: :bounce::bounce: :bounce: :bounce::bounce: :bounce: :bounce::bounce: :bounce: :bounce::bounce: :bounce: :bounce:
:happy: :happy: :happy: :happy: :happy: :happy: :happy: :happy: :happy: :happy: :happy: :happy:
:cheers: :drinkies: :cheers: :drinkies: :cheers: :drinkies: :cheers: :drinkies: :cheers: :drinkies: :cheers: :drinkies: :cheers: :drinkies: :cheers: :drinkies:
Can anybody guess how I'm feeling right now?
And what I'm looking forward to?
Sorry, mate - I have not a scooby dunno ! But then I wouldn't, as I am a munch virgin :shock:
Quote by smokerjim
drinkies :cheers: :beer: ummmmm yeah i think so :happy: :happy: :happy:

Thanks Sweetie kiss
WOOOOHOOOOOOOO ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! :bounce: :bounce: :bounce::bounce: :bounce: :bounce::bounce: :bounce: :bounce::bounce: :bounce: :bounce::bounce: :bounce: :bounce::bounce: :bounce: :bounce::bounce: :bounce: :bounce::bounce: :bounce: :bounce::bounce: :bounce: :bounce::bounce: :bounce: :bounce:
:happy: :happy: :happy: :happy: :happy: :happy: :happy: :happy: :happy: :happy: :happy: :happy:
:cheers: :drinkies: :cheers: :drinkies: :cheers: :drinkies: :cheers: :drinkies: :cheers: :drinkies: :cheers: :drinkies: :cheers: :drinkies: :cheers: :drinkies:
Can anybody guess how I'm feeling right now?
And what I'm looking forward to?
Sorry, mate - I have not a scooby dunno ! But then I wouldn't, as I am a munch virgin :shock:
Don't worry we will look after you :P
Quote by Sarah1448
drinkies :cheers: :beer: ummmmm yeah i think so :happy: :happy: :happy:

Thanks Sweetie kiss
WOOOOHOOOOOOOO ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! :bounce: :bounce: :bounce::bounce: :bounce: :bounce::bounce: :bounce: :bounce::bounce: :bounce: :bounce::bounce: :bounce: :bounce::bounce: :bounce: :bounce::bounce: :bounce: :bounce::bounce: :bounce: :bounce::bounce: :bounce: :bounce::bounce: :bounce: :bounce:
:happy: :happy: :happy: :happy: :happy: :happy: :happy: :happy: :happy: :happy: :happy: :happy:
:cheers: :drinkies: :cheers: :drinkies: :cheers: :drinkies: :cheers: :drinkies: :cheers: :drinkies: :cheers: :drinkies: :cheers: :drinkies: :cheers: :drinkies:
Can anybody guess how I'm feeling right now?
And what I'm looking forward to?
Sorry, mate - I have not a scooby dunno ! But then I wouldn't, as I am a munch virgin :shock:
Don't worry we will look after you :P
Is that wise :giggle:
yes Dawn
It is wise, as you well know we must look after the munch virgins :P and make them feel welcome
Quote by Sarah1448
yes Dawn
It is wise, as you well know we must look after the munch virgins :P and make them feel welcome

I know you do Sarah kiss
smokerjim try not to worry, munches are great and with Sarah looking after you, you will have an excellent evening :bounce:
I know I have no idea what will happen - but I'm still bubbling over with anticipation :beer: :smile2: :smoke:
Quote by Dawn_Mids
yes Dawn
It is wise, as you well know we must look after the munch virgins :P and make them feel welcome

I know you do Sarah kiss
smokerjim try not to worry, munches are great and with Sarah looking after you, you will have an excellent evening :bounce:
I got told the other week I had become a Munch Whore :shock: :twisted:
Quote by smokerjim
Sorry, mate - I have not a scooby dunno ! But then I wouldn't, as I am a munch virgin :shock:

Hey , SmokerJim..... anyone with a Bill Hicks avatar is alright in my book... and if I can possibly make it... (really fucked up situation permitting) ... I am making a beeline for you!
Can I call you Goat-boy????
Quote by postie

Sorry, mate - I have not a scooby dunno ! But then I wouldn't, as I am a munch virgin :shock:

Hey , SmokerJim..... anyone with a Bill Hicks avatar is alright in my book... and if I can possibly make it... (really fucked up situation permitting) ... I am making a beeline for you!
Can I call you Goat-boy????
Alright - but only if we go to George Micheal's house, I know where he lives, jump in my car, and lets shoot the fucker rolleyes
Quote by smokerjim

Sorry, mate - I have not a scooby dunno ! But then I wouldn't, as I am a munch virgin :shock:

Hey , SmokerJim..... anyone with a Bill Hicks avatar is alright in my book... and if I can possibly make it... (really fucked up situation permitting) ... I am making a beeline for you!
Can I call you Goat-boy????
Alright - but only if we go to George Micheal's house, I know where he lives, jump in my car, and lets shoot the fucker rolleyes
:shock: You can't shoot George - he's lovely :twisted: Do you really know where he lives?
Quote by freckledbird

Alright - but only if we go to George Micheal's house, I know where he lives, jump in my car, and lets shoot the fucker rolleyes

:shock: You can't shoot George - he's lovely :twisted: Do you really know where he lives?
Los Angeles I thought confused
Quote by MikeNorth

Alright - but only if we go to George Micheal's house, I know where he lives, jump in my car, and lets shoot the fucker rolleyes

:shock: You can't shoot George - he's lovely :twisted: Do you really know where he lives?
Los Angeles I thought confused
But he has a home in this country too I think.