Ooh is George Michael coming to the munch?
I think we should all make some room for him in the toilets and strap Bev down with a gag and handcuffs. Calm yourself woman.
:happy: :happy: Roll On Saturday!!! :happy: :happy:
Mr D / Chardonnay...... please accept this post as my confirmation that I shall be coming on Saturday ...... see ya there!!!
I will see you guys tommorow as well. One More Sleep, or a few hours kip
Mr D - Chard..... (and any other interested party)
Unfortunately I will not be able to make it. Even though I was very late onto the list, I knew of personal circumstance that may force me to withdraw, and now I have to. Nothing too terrible in case you are worried, but just wont be able to physically get there, I was hoping to make it even if it was for the last hour and then bomb back up north.
Really sorry, but a MASSIVE thank you for putting me on the list...
have to be another time goat-boy... have fun losing your munch-virginity.. I will look forward to seeing the post-munch thread and reading about what a good night I missed...
Have fun y'all ... and remember Life's just a ride!
Sadly, I won't be able to be at the munch - in bed with the lurgy. A shame, as I was looking forward to seeing some of the people I met at Wishmaster's birthday meet a couple of weeks ago.
:bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :happy: :happy: :happy:
Today is the day
See you all there
its party time :rascal:
:bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce:
:happy: :happy: :happy: :taz: :taz: :taz: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :taz: :taz: :taz: :happy: :happy: :happy:
See you all tonight :P
great time!
were is the BBQ, sorry forgot!
pm me please
I am so bloody happy i came over the weeknd
it was a bloddy brilliant blast
1) thanks to the organisers for a good munch
2) thanks for pebbs and demon for the lift.
3) Thanks to veryone else i met and some people i didnt meet. i was very busy!!!
4) Thanks to liitle chef for feeding me!!!!
C u at Notts