count me in as im localish n up 4 it
Thats all folks lol
Cya there in a couple of hours
Many thanks TnT for a great night. Was lovely to put some faces to names, and names and faces to people I've not met before.
Look forward to meeting some or all or you who attended again soon.
All the best everyone,
Thanks Tony and Tulip for a good night. It was good to get out and meet such a nice friendly group.
Look forward to the next one.
Thanks for arranging another evening.
Hi everyone I met and spoke too.
Huge thank you to T&T for organising last night. I had a great time and didnt feel like a newbie at all. Thanks Cas and Harry for letting me join you for pre-munch drinks.
Glad we walked a different way back to the hotels, as i dont think i could have navigated the bollards as well after that much Vodka!!
I think a great night was had by all and it will be nicer in the chat rooms now that i have put faces to names and body parts! :shock:
Thanks to UKWineman for letting me join you for breakfast. I got a reduction on my room rate in the end - just as well really!
Essex34m - you are lurvely x x x
Gonna have 40 winks now, am knackered!
im so sorry a did not show. i was caught up in day time and i had no way of letting you know.
hope the is another soon. i will def be there.
we know how annoying it is when people don't or are unable to let you know they can't make it, especially after you have put a lot of work into arranging a fab time for everyone......
BUT I thought that this site had a non naming & shaming policy
(sure some people consistantly put their names down, confirm, but fail to show....annoying but their loss!!)
Thanks Tulip and Tony for arranging a great evening.
Good to meet the faces to the names. Will remember some by time had some more sleep plus sober!
Big thanks to Harry and will forgive you finding the obstacle course on the way to venue!!
It wasn't till I laid in bed Kim realised just how much scotch I'd drunk :crazy:
The unexpected disaster was finding the hire car wouldn't start this morning. Got it going thanks to the hotel chef bless him and limped home praying it would keep running. :censored:
Hopefully will get to chat to more people when get to another munch.
Hi All
I endorse what has already been said.
WELL DONE Tony and Tulip.
Thank you to everyone for making my evening so enjoyable. It makes a change to speak to people and be accepted for what I am. Must say I was a bit nervouse at first about wearing my maids dress. But after a couple of drinks and some good company I soon felt at ease.
I am sorry I didn't get to speak to everyone and as for names, well, I am the worlds worst.
Hope to meet you all again soon.
luv Michelle x x x
Hi folks,
Only just back from work…. Must say I am bloomin knackered lol
Thank you all who attended last nite, it was lovely to meet you all and if you had half as much fun chattin as I did, then I think we all had a gr8 time.
Now on a more personal note Essexlady, I am so very sorry that your name was on the list of people that didn’t attend! I have to say rite here and very public, that you have attended all the previous socials that I have ever organised. You have been nothing but supportive, and we took your suggestions from the last social and did exactly what you said.
I did not know about the fact you couldn’t post a list of people who didn’t show, and understand why the policy is in force.
Please accept this as an apology Essexlady, and I do hope that you change your mind, as I also agree, this is not a popularity contest, and I would also not like to make a name as such either.
A big thanks to tulip and tony for putting in the work to get this of the ground in the face of adversity
great to meet a few from here names to faces etc wish we could have spoken to more of you but its so difficult to approach people once their in there little groups . next munch should have no tables
shame on those who didnt show up a phone call isnt difficult
ive already put a reply on here of how sorry i was for not showing. i think, for the best thing to show how sorry i am, i had an IDEA.
I live in Maldon. Its near Chelmsford and Colchester. is anyone on here able to help me arrange one. i feel it will be a pretty central location. If anyone is local to me, fancy lending me a hand. as ive never done it before, and make it the best ever.
please email me.
You lucky sod ukwineman, your room was cheap as chips as it was!!
Cas - sorry to hear about your car and glad you made it home ok, albeit with an itsy witsy hangover!!
Cheezy nibble anyone???!!
yes but only if i can fish it out with my teeth :twisted:
Harry did you actually sleep last night 4:30 your post was :shock: