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Forum Virgin
we'd love to come along can you put our names down...
by the way where is it??
Quote by tigersgobounce69
He guys
Just Pm'd you but can you chuck our names down and we should be able to make it.
See you tomorrow. If we dont get there I'll send Ian and Jane or one of the others a text to let you guys know

Hurrah biggrin
Harry Jones
Master of Sex
:beer: drinkies :drinkies: :drinkies: :cheers: :beer: :giggle: :bounce: :bounce: :silly: :swingingchair:
Warming the Bed
hope you all have a good time . well done bobnlisa .hope to see you at the next one . :mrgreen: :therethere:
I might arrive eventually!
Harry "Late" Jones
Quote by HarryJones
I might arrive eventually!
Harry "Late" Jones

You wont if you are sitting here!
Get going!
Warming the Bed
Boblisa thanks was a fab night.............. Great to meet you plus others xxxxxx
Master of Sex
Cheers Boblisa for organising a good night. Was good to meet 'old' faces plus some new ones.
Look forward to the next one. cool
Forum Virgin
thanks boblisa for putting together the great night...
hopefully we can get to the next one..
Warming the Bed
and i was stuck indoors bored last night. :giveup: worship :violin: :taz:
Warming the Bed
Thanks for organising a splendid affair boblisa :twisted: lol
Master of Sex
Just like to say a big thank you to those that attended last nite what a great turnout and was lovely to meet u all, hope you all enjoyed urselfs and come to our next one xx
boblisa xxxxxxx
Master of Sex
Quote by Essex Lad
and i was stuck indoors bored last night. :giveup: worship :violin: :taz:

DOH!!!!! lol lol
boblisa x
Master of Sex
Thanks to boblisa for all their work, and to all the lovely people who I chatted to during the evening.
Yayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy what a great night smile good turnout and a lovely crowd. Good job you didn't rely on me for the stickers tho bob n lisa redface
Thanks for organising it you two, you should have had your holiday afterwards, bet you need it after all that :happy: :happy: :happy: :happy:
Somehow, I was on the list as confirmed, without even asking to go, but it seems a good night was had, I shall look out for the next one
Thank you THANK YOU Bob and Lisa for a wonderful night! I must apologise if there were spells that could have been misread as me being antisocial, but that was me trying to get over my nerves as a new face - but you made a newbie like me welcome (thanks for the snog outside while waiting for a cab Bob - what a laugh!)
I'll try to be in more often and not be such a make my self a bit more known (without being a nuisance!) and looking forward tot he next one!
See ya around - and more grease to your elbows!
Frolicks, fun and friendship - especially frolicks!
thanks again for organising the social lots of hard work i know but we had a really good night seeing some old friends and meeting some new ones, great night /morning lol. and thanks for the coffees on our way home this morning xxx
Quote by boblisa
Just like to say a big thank you to those that attended last nite what a great turnout and was lovely to meet u all, hope you all enjoyed urselfs and come to our next one xx
boblisa xxxxxxx

I had a brilliant night thanks.
Special mentions to the following:
Lisa and Bob for all their hard work in organising this (don't drop your stickers next time Lisa, was like rolling up bog roll :lol2: ), was a good turn out, a super crowd and well worth my 140 mile plus round trip for the evening (and amazingly I didn't start to drop off at all on the entire way home, needing to only stop once on A14 for a pee rather than my usual 1 hour sleep at J8 services when returning from any essex trips). Looking forward to the next one.
To the very lucky couple who were only just down the road, hope you enjoyed the evening, good to meet you and even though I failed to say so (which is still my biggest fault despite having gone to soo many socials) your good lady looked lovely in that summery looking dress, here's hoping there's a win in the Rugby tonight.
To the Giant (his words not mine wink) and his lady, whose combination of letters and numbers totally escapes, thank you for chatting to me for most of the evening, was a pleasure to meet you both.
To the splendid blonde lady who on discovering who I was immediately said I know of you and when we chatted later on showed a good knowledge of remembering my posts biggrin I have to apologise as I strode off to the loo just after you did, but got stopped on my way back to chat to another fine person present so never finished chatting to you or even working out who you were sad You looked great and were lots of fun to chat to though :D
To Mr Ukcupple for being the first person to chat to me at length on my arrival, you always make me laugh, always good to see you both again. cool
Tabbi, enjoy your tree visit, good to see you and meet your good man at last, sorry I failed you at foot massage last night lol
This is going amazingly well, I haven't even had to refer to the guest list at all to jog my memory.
Casmac, great to see you looking far less nervous than last time we met, you looked fabulous and I will try to pay more attention to what whisky I drink next time rather than assuming as it's in a posh box it's a good one.
NlondonJohn, let me know if you remember who wanted to meet me, but as it wasn't a female I'll let you off :lol2: Good to catch up again.
Mr BLC pleasure to meet you and hope I lived up to my reputation.
Bernie and Bassman, been far too long since we last chatted, always good to be in your company and reminsice over previous socials.
To everyone else I spoke to and whose name totally escapes me (I'm struggling here but a nod to SEG) thank you.
Last but by no means least, huge kisses, hugs and handshakes to the special long term friends whom I spent the last part of the evening with, my face lit up on each of your arrivals, we laughed, chatted (you said some very nice things about me :smugsmileand will so take you up on your offers when I get the chance, and you left me with a very memorable leaving moment (which I am so off to post about on another site I frequent :D )
Here's to the next one.
Harry Jones
As per everyone else says, a really good night, but then its always a good night in your company, a bonus with everyone else who turned up.
thanks again and look forward to the next one
Warming the Bed
Great to meet alot of you yesterday! These socials are good!
Thanks Bob and Lisa for organising this..
Ukcupple - thanks for all the help in getting to the venue safely!!
NorthLondonJohn - Thanks for getting me home in one man!
Harry,flash,kev,ahabs,usb and all the other single blokes there..great to meet you lads..great behaviour by all!
Just thought of another priceless moment.
Stood at the bar duetting with another chap to "The Fall Guy" theme tune.
My work colleague would have been proud of us both :D
In fact I'm going to e-mail her now to tell her.
Harry Jones
Thank you for inviting me to the social on Friday, met some lovely people and hope to be invited again.
Take care
Tom x
Hi Bob & Lisa, a quick word to say thanks for a lovely evening, was a great atmosphere there. We were made to feel welcome and look forward to the next meet!!
Hi Bob n Lisa,jus 2 say thanks very much 4 making us feel so welcome,i was so nervous but u both made us feel at ease ur a lovely couple, n sorry Bob 4 completely ignoring u the next morning,my head was elsewhere!! we had a fab time n look 4ward 2 the next 1,hopefully i wont b so nervous n will work my way around the room a bit more take care xx