wanking do women enjoy watching men wankin and wanking
Well your username suits you!.....so what is the difference with wankin and wanking then?
As per usual,you ask a ? question and get a barrage of abuse in reply,don't worry yourself your not in the CLIQUE and never will be!
Oh dear...................
You all love it,you're all off again,not too hard to turn those big keys sticking out of your backs,we just don't see it ? if it's so obviously a wind up why are you all bothering wasting your time answering ? and why is it the same people with their silly childish remarks ? ie:da69ve
OOOOOHHH LA LA mjtc calm down,the natives are getting restless,i'm sitting slap bang on the fence and...............agreeing with the both,too many dickheads posting crap,but a lot of people responding to the crap...........how about that then ?
VENUS IS IN THE HOUSE!!!!:bounce: :bounce: :bounce:
Go on, place me! Dare ya! What`s MY clique?!
Seeing as I am a law unto myself......
/runs round the forum giggling to see if there is yet another thread she can bring down to her level!! :silly: