Quote by osemlover
Anyone seeking someone to take pics and videos of you having fun just make sure they use your camera not theirs. Cameras have internal memory as well as removeable memory and you have no idea what they have stored where if they are using their equipment. Deleted images are easy to recover from internal memory, memory cards and the like so if they offer to let you copy images from their card before they delte them justbear in mind that they can recover those images for their own use without you ever knowing.
Good advice for what honest to goodness, decent quality photographers would call GWC's (Guys With Cameras- its not a compliment!) some people will try alsorts to get close to a naked (or nearly so) woman! (In the days when we all used film, I was at a group shoot (several photographers take it in turns to take images) with two models, I went through 4 rolls of film (144 images in 35mm)- the rest of us noticed that a guy who had appeared for the first time that day hadn't changed film once, on a camera that held film in 12 exposure rolls... he just wanted to ermm.. look at the models.... needless to say when the rest of us worked this out, he was politely asked to leave and not return, we didn't all need tarring with that brush!)
Most people aren't aware that a person taking a photo is the owner of the copyright in most circumstances and unless specifically agreed otherwise, can legally do with it as they wish (within reason)
But you'll probably find that most of us who are decent with a camera in our hands and actually care about the output wouldn't be keen to use anyone else's equipment with the idea of taking good quality images- its just that a lot of us work hard to get to know our cameras and equipment, so using someone else's Camera is a bit like asking a mechanic to use a set of Lidl spanners to fix your car when he's used to his Snap-on set.
I have turned down shoots people have asked me to do under these circumstance in the past, the challenge for me is producing the best images possible, that people are happy to see themselves in and I am proud of- that's so much less likely with someones holiday camera than the kit I've spent years (and quite a bit of cash to be honest!) putting together and learning to get the best from
The best thing you can do to protect yourself is to be clear about what the images are to be used for (and what they aren't!) in writing, in advance. Agreements like that are considered binding by the courts in terms of copyright and could be used as evidence if a complaint was to be made under the "Revenge Porn" law (Section 33 of the Criminal Justice and Courts Act 2015) which of course, can't stop people from having seen the images if someone has published them where they shouldn't, but it should provide some reassurance and a deterrent to them.
ALL good photographers should be aware of the above and will be happy to enter into discussions about the images to be taken etc. and what they can and can't be used for- they should be used to such discussions!
Ultimately finding someone you trust isn't easy, but trust your instincts on it and you should have a great time!
If you have any questions about the above, feel free to drop me a line about it.