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FAO anyone going to the Croydon Munch

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Sex God
Hi folks.
This will be my first SH munch, so I'll be amazed if I get there and find I actually know anyone!! I know that several other people are in the same position and some have said that they're quite nervous about meeting up with a bunch of strangers.
I've been going to forum meets via another site for about 6 years, have met literally hundreds of people, and fully understand how some people can feel a bit uncomfortable when they don't know anyone, so I've done something to help break the ice, so to speak:
With feedback from a few members, I have been busy designing name badges. These will show your posting name and your avatar where applicable. There will also be some blanks to write your name on for anyone that I've missed. The badges are in the forum colours and there are a couple of graphical elements 'borrowed' from the SH website, but don't worry, the words "Swinging Heaven" don't appear on the badges so we won't get nosey parkers making uninformed comments.
Hopefully, these will help to make everyone feel "part of the crowd" right from the off.
I've used the Croydon sticky thread to get my list of those attending, so hopefully most people turning up will have a badge already done for them, but as I said there will be blanks to write on for anyone who doesn't already have a personalised badge.
If the idea catches on, I will add all active SH members to the list and send the templates to the organisers of any munches I'm not attending.
Thanks to those of you who helped with critique and suggestions for the design, and many thanks to Mark for allowing me to use his logo. biggrin
See you later.
Ice xxx
Sex God
Can't wait to see them... but I expect most folks will have set off my now. It's only little old me whose still :crazy: trying to stop the world spinning and working out whether the door opens inward or outwards.
But I fear at least some of your hard work will be in vein. About 12 folks have yet to pick up their details and they're still sitting in my outbox. rolleyes I even saw AlexClaireSX was in last night but didn't check her PMs... silly girl. confused
Well, you can only point them to the water...
For anyone else.... see you there!
Sex God
Quote by Heather
But I fear at least some of your hard work will be in vain.

Actually it was fun getting the design right and making a few templates. That's what took the time, the rest is just adding names and pics to the templates:
I've got your directions printed off, the car is behaving unusually well this morning and I've even had a shave so I suppose I'd better set off soon. lol
Cya later,
Ice xx
Sex God
I've even had a shave

Could this be a clue as to your gender, Ice? rolleyes I've been trying to work it out for ages... never been sure one way or another. confused
But women shave too! :crazy: Oh... my head hurts! :crazy: :crazy:
Forum Virgin
hi icepie,
Am i too late for the munch tonight?
Sex God
Sorry, Othello... I've just got back and Ice is in no fit state to answer this question, so I'll take the liberty of doing so on his behalf. wink
The answer is yes.
Warming the Bed
Hi Heather
Sorry about Sat We can't pick up our PM,s from that box for some reason!! (Bloody PC)
Wasn't able to go anyway as two of our littl'uns went down with some kinda lurgi Sat morning so we couldn't leave 'em with 'The Babysitter' !! (Always seem to do it when they know we're going out for the night!!!!)
So apologies to you for the effort you put in to allow us to go
Hopefully everything went OK and a good time was had by all!!!! ......and we'll try and make the next one whenever and wherever it may be.
Luv Alex Claire & Cameron xxx XXX
Hi Guys, you missed a good day, but sure we can make up for it at the next one. Bad luck with the kids, having 2 myself I know how good their timing is, and frustrating it is for Mum n Dad.
Hope to see you at 'Croyden Munch 2, the return...'
Warming the Bed
Hello Heather,
I would like to use this forum to publicly thank you for an excellent afternoon and evening at yesterday Croydon Munch.
I totally enjoyed all the company, and my only regret was that more people didn't attend to appreciate all your hard work.
Thanks for the flash.
Thank you again.
Warming the Bed
sorry I couldn't make it.
Hope to make the next one though
Sex God
redface surprisedops: :oops:
Fleet has just informed me I was showing a little too much at the bowling. I had wondered why the chaps we're queuing up behind me everytime it was my turn to bowl.
It wasn't intentional, boys. I wouldn't want you all to think I was a bit of a floozy! :oops: :oops:
Perhaps I should invest in a longer skirt? rolleyes
[/sizeSounds like everyone had fun yesterday. Im a little pissed off i had to work yesterday.. tried getting away early but as my boss likes to say .."sorry mate , operational requirements".. ill give him sorry!. mad
Anyway... im sure there will be other times.. confused
And now im finding myself curious about any gossip regarding the munch! :rascal:
Hiya Heather, sorry to miss our first ever munch, we're very disappointed! unfortunately Lou has the nasty disease better known as flu so is in no danger of leaving bed for more than a few minutes! Cant wait til the next one, and we promise, promise PROMISE to attend, ill or not!!! Hope everyone had a great time and we look forward to seeing you all at the next one!
Luv and Hugz,
Daz and Lou.
Warming the Bed
A note from The Kent Host to say 'ta very much to Heather for making it a good afternoon and evening. Nice noodles. Good Company.
Big hug for Heather. regards to those who showed. To those that didn't, y'all misssed a good social meet.