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First Ever Notts Meet !!!!

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THIS MEET IS NOW FULL !!!! - Feel free to still put your names down and we will put you on the reserve list then if anyone drops out we will drop you in
there Laura & Ant xx
Hi guys just to let you know that we are currently looking into organising the next big NOTTINGHAM now have a suitable location to hold the add your names if your interested in attending the meet. The meet is arranged for saturday 13th social rules apply and please be aware this is a strictly social found not abiding by the rules will face the usual to hear from you all soon...Ant and Laura x x x
People Attending So Far :
Couples :
Dave_notts & Alex_Northeast
BiPaula & Andy
jimmys69 & lemons
kate34 & petebrum
Single Males :
Single Fems :
If you need a hotel list please let us know xx
Location will be sent a few days before event (to comply with SH rules).
Mods Edit - Please Note - NO MEMBERS, males, females or couples ever need to be verified by anyone to attend a social. Invites are purely at the descretion of the organisers and are not subject to any Swinging Heaven Rules.
Hasn't there been a Notts munch before????
Quote by sexy_cpl_nottz
Hi guys just to let you know that we are currently looking into organising the first ever NOTTINGHAM are currently in the process of finding a suitable location to hold the meet,as things progress we will keep you all add your names if your interested in attending the meet. The meet is provisionally arranged for saturday 13th October (If anything changes we will let you know).Usual munch rules apply and please be aware this is a strictly social found not abiding by the rules will face the usual to hear from you all soon...Ant and Laura x x x

sorry to burst your bubble, but there have been several Nottingham munches, quite often being the largest gathering on SH.
You also call it a 'social' but say usual 'Munch' rules apply. You seem to have these a little mixed up. If you would like some clarification on this, please PM me.
Quote by Lilmiss
Hasn't there been a Notts munch before????

I've been to 2, and know of at least 1 other so yes, there has been a Notts munch before. wink
Quote by Edin BBW
I've been to 2, and know of at least 1 other so yes, there has been a Notts munch before. wink

What a coincidence, I've also been to two and missed another one. lol
There's also Dave's curry nights, so Nottingham is far from being a barren area for SH gatherings!
Good luck with yours, sexycpl!
lol looks like someone doesn't keep an eye on the forums!
Edit: Yes they do - they put their names down for one of the Notts. Curry nights organised by Dave_Notts!
Robin Hood organised the first one dontcha know,
Little John got a bit tiddly and challenged everyone to a roll in the mud and had to be escorted from the premises,gees my back still hasn't recovered biggrin
:happy: Hi Ant/Laura, :happy:
:beer: After all the responces youve had so far, let us ask if we may be the first to ask if we can be included in your meet please? :beer: We'd love to join you both, even if it is in your garden shed? lol
J & K xxx :cheers:
Hiya guys seems we all are a little confused....Yes we know dave has a curry night and yes weve been, the idea that we have in mind is to get together a local meet that rivals all the other AREA MEETS(except derby meet cause we love it there).WE ARE AWARE THAT ITS NOT THE FIRST OFFICIAL NOTTS SOCIAL AS SUCH, but we have been approached by alot of ppl that,in their words tell us that a big notts social is whats missing (due to travel etc), thus the idea of arranging that this clears things up a little....Talk soon .....Love ya all x x x x x
You've said it's been provisionally arranged but you're still looking for a venue? Presumably all the people who have asked are local to Nottingham - they must also be relatively new if they think that Notts. Socials are what's missing!
I'd firm up your plans first, before making your list. If things change along the way, people are likely to drop out.
Thank you for your reply freckled all we can say is were giving it our best shot at arranging a notts meet to see where it are positive so maybe you should be too,but seeing as your not in nottinghm you dont really need to be worrying so had many friends say they will attend already so we know it will be popular and they dont have to be new to realise that a notts meet is needed,theres big meets everywhere and notts ones have drizzled out so time to bring them back for all the notts if you cant say anything nice then dont say anything at all,we are just giving this a try it will either work or it this meet is purely social for those who were for the venue we have 3 available to us we are just deciding on the best unlikely our plans will change but we needed to cover ourselves incase of any eventualities with it being our first one.
Put me down as a tentative yes please -- it will depend a lot on the final details but i'd love to come.
Quote by sexy_cpl_nottz
Hi guys just to let you know that we are currently looking into organising the first ever NOTTINGHAM are currently in the process of finding a suitable location to hold the meet,as things progress we will keep you all add your names if your interested in attending the meet. The meet is provisionally arranged for saturday 13th October (If anything changes we will let you know).Usual munch rules apply and please be aware this is a strictly social found not abiding by the rules will face the usual to hear from you all soon...Ant and Laura x x x

Quote by sexy_cpl_nottz
Thank you for your reply freckled all we can say is were giving it our best shot at arranging a notts meet to see where it are positive so maybe you should be too,but seeing as your not in nottinghm you dont really need to be worrying so had many friends say they will attend already so we know it will be popular and they dont have to be new to realise that a notts meet is needed,theres big meets everywhere and notts ones have drizzled out so time to bring them back for all the notts if you cant say anything nice then dont say anything at all,we are just giving this a try it will either work or it this meet is purely social for those who were for the venue we have 3 available to us we are just deciding on the best unlikely our plans will change but we needed to cover ourselves incase of any eventualities with it being our first one.

Why does it make any difference where I am - if it's a munch, anyone who is a member should be eligible to attend, as you haven't specified any criteria regarding length of membership etc. We've been to lots of Notts. socials and all the Nottingham munches.
I wouldn't say that Notts. meets have drizzled out - just that none are advertised at the moment.
I really wasn't being negative; posts like yours have been locked before now because they haven't had more definite detail in them. I wasn't being nasty.
Oh, and this post(below) kind of makes my point - people will add names but dependent on final details, they might not be able to attend. There have been events organised where so many changes have taken place, people just don't know what's happening.
Quote by HJ47

Put me down as a tentative yes please -- it will depend a lot on the final details but i'd love to come.
Quote by Lilmiss
Hasn't there been a Notts munch before????

Several to my knowledge
Just a few tips for you.
If you 'go firm' on a date and location, then the responses as to who wants to go will be more realistic. You will always get people saying they'll go, but when push goes to shove, they don't.
Don't presume that only locals will want to go. On this site people travel hundreds of miles for socials and Munches, not because of the organiser, but because they may want to meet someone who has said they are attending, so don't condemn people because they don't live within a 10 mile radius as being trying to stir things up, they're not.
We recently arranged a social in Milton Keynes. We didn't set any limitations whatsoever as to who can come. We set a date, had a venue arranged and hotel lists available. We had over 60 people said they would be there, but a lot less than that turned up. Were we bothered? Not really. We had a great night with those who did turn up and we hadn't had any outlay of costs so no loss to us.
No-one wants to see you fail, but as you've already said, it's your first attempt at this, so start with baby steps and organise something on a limited scale with no risk to yourselves, then build on that experience for future events.
Hope that helps.
I love a good munch/social...
Ive travelled from Blackpool to Essex before..
So can u put my name down
Quote by Lilmiss
I love a good munch/social...
Ive travelled from Blackpool to Essex before..
So can u put my name down

You are still a munch tart lol lol lol
(To my knowledge, I have arranged 4 munches I think, plus there was at least 1 other munch, and several curry nights in Nottingham)
What ever you sort out, good luck and have a good evening.
Hi we have been to a nottingham social,but if you have one please let us no,we would love to come biggrin
shay and maz xxxx
oooooooooooeeeerrrrrr a notts social!
Put me down plz lol
Quote by Roxie
oooooooooooeeeerrrrrr a notts social!
Put me down plz lol

I think it's going to be a social, not a munch.
we`ll cum,loved the last nottingham one. xxx
Quote by Sarah
I love a good munch/social...
Ive travelled from Blackpool to Essex before..
So can u put my name down

You are still a munch tart lol lol lol
(To my knowledge, I have arranged 4 munches I think, plus there was at least 1 other munch, and several curry nights in Nottingham)
What ever you sort out, good luck and have a good evening.
Think we have been to both 1 of your munchies and 1 of your socials and they were both loads of fun biggrin
Shaz x
Quote by Sarah
(To my knowledge, I have arranged 4 munches I think, plus there was at least 1 other munch, and several curry nights in Nottingham)

Maybe its time Sarah arranged another munch dunno
Quote by Dawnie

(To my knowledge, I have arranged 4 munches I think, plus there was at least 1 other munch, and several curry nights in Nottingham)

Maybe its time Sarah arranged another munch dunno
If Sarah is going to arrange one and its local or we can get a lift then we want our names adding to the list biggrin
Shaz x
Thread heading
First Ever Notts Meet !!!
Quote by sexy_cpl_nottz

Thats it
I'm confused lol
Shaz x
Quote by Shaz_n_Tony
Thread heading
First Ever Notts Meet !!!

Thats it
I'm confused lol
Shaz x
Is it a Meet? Is it a Social? Is it a Munch?
I'm confused too ......
Just for the record I think we've been to at least 3 of the Nottingham Munches .....
We always make a weekend of a visit to Nottingham as it is Mrs Hudds home town .....
Not sure if we can make this one .....
Ok guys there still seems to be an issue here,this meet is a SOCIAL,it is for ANY SH members but of course notts locals are also more than arent stating its only for notts people,we have people travelling over from swadlington,shropshire and other places.I apologise now for heading this thread as the first notts meet ever,what we meant was weve been on here a while and not seen any meets local to notts,so in our eyes to us its OUR first notts meet,if we have trood on anyones toes were sorry and if we have upset or offended anyone we are are trying our best here. We wouldnt tell you the location till a few days before,so worryign about the location isnt necessary we have 3 options and one of them will be the one,for now all you need to know is it will be in nottingham and when we give you the location we will also provide a hotel laura and ant xx
hi lovely nottz cpl ............. yes please put us down 4 your social would love to be there woooooooooooooo hoooooooooooooo mwah xxxxxxxxxxx redface
all you need to know is it will be in nottingham and when we give you the location we will also provide a hotel laura and ant xx

It's likely that people will want to book hotels in advance and as you are not intending to tell them the exact location until a few days before, it would be better to let them have the hotel list as soon as they ask for it, with basic info like which is closest to the venue, is it walking distance, is it 15/20/30 minutes drive away, that sort of thing.
Quote by Lilmiss
Hasn't there been a Notts munch before????

now you come to mention it, i'm sure i went to a munch in nottingham a few years back lol...
the first notts munchs was 25th Oct 2004, if memory serves me right. and was also a good evening too.
talking of which. does anyone still hear from the orginal nott munch organisers.. ive not seen them around for yonks and yonks.
maybe it needs to be re-titled as the "first Notts Munch this year"