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First visit to a Chams Birmingham, what do we expect?

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never been to a swinging club before but we fancy going this week. We are bit unsure what to expect and what it will be like or whats the best day to go.
Anyone want to share some advice with us?
Hi John,
we are fairly new to the scene and tried a club elsewhere in the midlands, we were dissapointed but gave it another go, we ended up going to chams and loved it !
you might prefer sat nights as couples only and a bit less pressure but then you might be looking for a gb in which case fri would be good, we like this club a lot - it's clean and a good size (may take some getting used to) and filled with very normal friendly people, have been 3 or 4 times now with different experiences on all occasions, the last trip ended in the jaccuzzi (though it took my gf some persuading) and we had a very sexy time !
my advice is simple - ignore what other people tell you and find out for yourself, it's bloody marvelous !
Good luck
m + f x
been goin years n love the place diff peeps will tell you diff days are best
we actually like sundays and mondays as we find these chilled but fun nights
just give it a go and you'll find a night you enjoy the best before long too
and just remember its not clicky its just so popular that lots of peeps go lots of times so get to know lots of others n chat lots so just jump on in there n chat too before ya know it you'll b one of the reg faces too wink
hope you have lots of fun
You'll find Chams busy as it's cheap and easy to get to, i've been a fair few times though i find its standards on cleaniness quite poor compare to other clubs. Its a bit dirty and as long as you don't mind a hot tub that is only cleaned out once a week then you'll enjoy it.
Its a winner with most SH users, you just have to be able to over look the cleaniness of the place.
Quote by bouncy332
we actually like sundays and mondays as we find these chilled but fun nights

worth mentioning as the original posters both have their profile status as straight.....
monday night at chams is bi night so you might end up with more than you bargain for :shock:
ps We've been members for almost six years and think its a damn good place to visit.
love it here, def our favorite club out of the ones we have visited, it is a 4 hour drive both ways for us but worth it.
Going there ousrselves for the first time on Friday. Looking forward to meeting people then. I guess we need our passports for identity?
We will also be there tonight. Our favourite place is the little room off the main bar area.
chams is a great place
friendly staff, nice mixture of people who go, clean, relaxed atmosphere, what i like best about it is that its not posh, it doesnt put on airs and graces like some clubs seem to !
have fun smile
our favourite club too .dont think we have had a bad nite there in the 5 yrs we have been going.
Not sure the person posting above really knows what they're talking about when it comes to the jacuzzi's....They are tested 2 hourly so to ensure the chemical levels are correct to ensure cleanliness and so that no irritation is caused to anyones skin.
They are also cleaned thoroughly nightly.
Maybe you overlooked these standards as it has been well over a year since you last went and maybe you forgot this.
Each club has its own merits and downsides, we have been to other clubs but prefer chams as we find the atmosphere, people there and the amenities offered well suited to mosts needs.
If you do venture there I'm sure you'll have a great time as do so many people regularly and keep going back like ourselves and many other SH members and people from all over the country and world
Quote by Si_19704
Not sure the person posting above really knows what they're talking about when it comes to the jacuzzi's....They are tested 2 hourly so to ensure the chemical levels are correct to ensure cleanliness and so that no irritation is caused to anyones skin.
They are also cleaned thoroughly nightly.
Maybe you overlooked these standards as it has been well over a year since you last went and maybe you forgot this.

Sorry, you've got my goat so i have to reply! Nothing personal but i am aware of what i'm talking about, it's just my standards are perhaps a little higher then most and that isn't intended to sound as an insult.
The chemicals are unbareable, If the tub is cleaned nightly the chemical levels would be subtle and not stinging your eyes. I know this because i work within a company that deal with spas, hot tubs and saunas. I also know that if a hot tub for one reason or another can not be cleaned each time after use, they can up the chemical levels, but they is a point when this effects the health and safety of the users. (Read the manuals!)
Also if the hot tub is checked every two hours, how come on my last visit (which was only a few weeks ago, if your eyes weren't clouded by the chemicals you might of noticed that i do visit once a month!), then why was a condom floating about in the second tub, and was still floating about 4 hours later til one of the guests i was with decided to remove it!
I do like chams, its cheap and cheerful. It does have it good points, and like all other clubs, it has it's bad points too.
Right, say over.
my standards of cleanliness are extremly high !
just want to mention that cus i dont like it to be said that they arnt just cus i like chams and think its a great club !
i have never, in the many times iv been, encountered the above problems smile
We're not Chams regulars but have been a couple of dozen times. We've maybe found the chemicals in the jacuzzi too strong once. We have, however, seen the water being tested several times.
The club is as clean as any we've been to in this country.
I must add my bit too. I have been to chams on many occasions and have seen the health and safty certificates on the wall. I have also seen the staff checking the jacuzzi's several times a night and close them if the chemical levels are in correct.
Condoms are found around the place on rare occasion and this is down to the customers that cannot be bothered to clean up after them selves.
I know the owner makes every effort to employ good cleaning staff and ploughes a lot of money into updating and maintaining the club.
It is however not cheap!!!!!!! BUT IT IS VERY CHEERFUL!!!!
I would reccomend it enough to run the Swinging Heaven socials there. The next is August 20th when membership is not required if you add your name to the list on this forum and costs are reduced. This may be a good night for people to go look for them selves what the club is like. But beware there are usually about 200 off this site who go.
If 200 turn up there regularly for socials i think that speaks for itself.
Quote by midsprincess
It is however not cheap!!!!!!! BUT IT IS VERY CHEERFUL!!!!

When i mentioned cheap, i didn't mean tacky so i thought it best to point that out. As far as i'm aware it is the cheapest club to gain enterance too.
Quote by Chaotic_Spirit

It is however not cheap!!!!!!! BUT IT IS VERY CHEERFUL!!!!

When i mentioned cheap, i didn't mean tacky so i thought it best to point that out. As far as i'm aware it is the cheapest club to gain enterance too.
xstasia is cheaper cool 8-) 8-)
Quote by Bear69

It is however not cheap!!!!!!! BUT IT IS VERY CHEERFUL!!!!

When i mentioned cheap, i didn't mean tacky so i thought it best to point that out. As far as i'm aware it is the cheapest club to gain enterance too.
xstasia is cheaper cool 8-) 8-)
Is it? Shows you when i last went to Xtasia. Last time i went it was £10 to get in there as a single female, and £5 or more often then not, free at chams.