Looking for a few select people for a get together at my flat on sat night, 9ish onwards for some naughty fun. Couples with very bi fems required as need some proper full on girl on girl action and maybe a couple of single guys. If you are interested then I will need to see pics and early contact so i know you are genuine, esp as its last minute. Priorty given to those who I already have met / know.
This is a free get together, but bring along your own booze should you wish to drink.
Can you put me down as a possible?
hiya redgirlmanc
can you add mine and and lees name to the list
thanks jo xx
bloody typical that insnt it, ive been looking for meets in bolton for ages and one comes along and im back in yorkshire! pfff! any female in south yorks let me know!
Hiya all, no more single guys please, I now have enough who have said are coming! Thats of course presuming they all turn up!
Lets hope the party goes with a swing!
Hiya Jo and Lee
Well if everyone turns up who says their coming:
4 couples, 3 single guys and a single lady
Im sure we will all have fun whatever! lol
Jackie & Will
Oh Well i willmake sure you get FUN FUN FUN! GOnna have my collection of accessories out ready and waiting for those willing, and those NOT, will have to be tied down ! lol
can not wait now hehehehehehe
jo x
Hee hee
Well im off to the shops now to buy some bits and bobs to keep our energies up!
See you laters
hi i dont believe it ive only just seen your add and been let down aswell what a day hope you all have a good night and loadsa fun and from the sounds of it lots of games aswell lol .
shame you can not make it hornywelshlad
jo xxx
hi gingerjo hows you hun, i know but the post has been up since thurs i just mad busy with work and stuff but would have loved to come and played nevermind next time. xxx
sounds like there is a lot going on in Bolton, i wounder if some one i know could join in
Depends who that somone is! lol
Im off to the pub now to watch the spurs game, will be back home about half 7 to answer any other messages
Hi Redgirl,
Only just noticed your PM. Sent one in return.
Tight , im shutting my pc down now, all those that need my addy should have it now, so see you all laters,
Thanks for a wonderful evening. Much appreciated!
Best Wishes
Afternoon all
We've just surfaced (never made it to the pub for the footie!!!) so we thought we'd say thanks to everyone who came (and came!) last night. It was good to christen the new bed in such style!
We're going to chill for a bit and then head off to the afternoon session at Liasons - greedy aren't we!
Jackie & Will