Ive got 2 weeks off at christmas and as everyone else I know is at work I am getting a bit bored and as I am a horny young lad I was wondering if anyone would like to leave me there phone number so I can ring you up for some phone sex - no cost to you - just leave your name, number and time/date you want me to ring. Female or male, I dont mind. mornings are best for me. (best to private message me or you could be very busy)
Thankyou very much
(no mobiles numbers as they cost alot to ring)
please someone be interested i am really horny at the moment, well i am always horny but right now I am REALLY horny.
No i am not a double glazing salesman, I am a conservatory salesman.
just kidding!
I am only after a bit of morning phone sex, nothing more.
nice pic by the way vodka babe!
Those bloody telesales guys will do anything for a sale!
I just have an interest in phonesex, the same way as you may have an interest in wearing womens clothes, which you probally do.
If you are not interested please do not waste my time!
very touchy.......you should lighten up see it for the joke that it is. i mean who would honestly give out their land line number to a complete stranger anyway!
Thanks Lucy.......he really hurt my feelings! :cry:
Guys and gals I'm going to lock this thread. If anyone is interested in sending bigjason their phone number they can do via pm.