Looking to find 5 or 6 genuine good looking guys aged between 25-40 and in good or at least reasonable shape for be trimmed, clean,safe and able to perform in the company of are looking to do this sometime within the next few weeks and do have a location already set so ideally if you are within the surrey or london area it would be preferable unless you are willing to wishing to be considered please send us a message with a bit about yourself and please no timewasters. Mrs will be making the final decision on those she would like to attend so a recent pic at somepoint beforehand will be a necessity.
hey i would be interested in your little get together check out my profile and get back to me with somemore details.
Hi guys,
I'd be interested in the GB. I live in surrey and have been to GB's before so know what to expect.
Hi there!
Not a million miles away at all ! I'm quite happy in a group would love an invite.........
hi you two , id love to be considered for your little party ! clean and dd free , and had gb's before so know the score
I'm interested. Any chance you could send me details please?
I like to be cosidered. thank you, i sent you pm hope that ok.
I live in reasonable travelling distance and would love to be of assistance, I have a photo on my profile. I’m 6-2 afro carib, don’t smoke but likes an occasional drink.
Kind regards
im interested please send me details.
Thanks for the interest everyone but we are only considering those that either have a pic on their profile or have sent one in a are unable to respond to everyone and had so many timewasters already that cant attend on such and such a date etc etc excuses and therefore it is proving to be an impossible task so we are now ideally looking for an already formed group of genuine guys if any out there give us a will however respond to the mails we are interested in thanks.
im very much interested ive been to clubs b4 so had many good experiences of gbs im no timewaster will go on cam to prove myself if yer like anyway i hope you find what you are looking for dave x
hi im interested too im experienced in gbs and live in surrey too
Yes please :bounce:
Have GB'd before, good cum er if thats of interest.
More info and invite would be great as local (ish) to you.
Dont know if i am too late for this but I would love to cum along.