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Getting people to Chat with a Male?

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Hi all,
just interested in thoughts on how to get people to chat witha me in the Chatroom. I ask nicely if anyone wants to pvt chat but no very often any takers.
a) Most people don't want to chat a male on his own
b) I'm in the wrong site if I want aural sex (lol)
c) People don't actually like all the direct approach and would rather
take their time to see how we handle ourselves in main room
d) Most people don't want to talk sex but would rather meet and do
e) I'm going about it all wrong
Anybody got any thoughts?
PS I'm married 43 male, but Mrs not into this
Ta all
I dunno about the others, but I would have thought that the problem is that youre married. Unless shes consented to you having a bit of the other, then most ppl would frown on it.
Just my opinion, but then again, nobody listens to me anyway *sob* *sob*
Understand that Chris, and not saying you're wrong, just thought there may be more people willing to chat, maybe it's me thats wrong........something for me to think about!
Yeh, I know what you mean. Just be yourself, make yourself known in the room, dont just pvt ppl without engaging in general conversation in the room first (if that makes ANY sense at all!)
The major thing is respect too, if someone says no, dont take it personally, its not usually meant that way, just carry on. The idea of the room is fun- if it ever detracts from that, think if its worth it!
God, sounding waaaay too sensible today, must be these new yrs resolutions!
Hi Feenix
From a female perspective, I very rarely consent to pvt chats with new people in the chatroom, and when I do pvt it's with people I've got to know within the main room. I have to agree with your third point -
People don't actually like all the direct approach and would rather
take their time to see how we handle ourselves in main room

To be honest, I'd rather not indulge in a virtual exchange of bodily fluids - I've discussed old movies and philosophy in pvt chats - and which was always more enjoyable than enumerating what I was into and was I up for a meet with a stranger.
Get to know people in the main room, remain polites, join in the banter and become known as a nice bloke, and the pvts will come.
Stick with it, and in the meantime - welcome to the chatroom and enjoy. Stamfordguy is absolutely right. Ah, such an old head on young shoulders.
Sappho xxx
Many thanks Sappho for taking time to put a female perspective into the thread......(and may I say ... fabulous photos!)
All true and valid stuff, I have been dipping in and out, so to speak, since about September last year and joining in with some of the banter etc.
I guess where I am surfing and chatting on my own rather than with Mrs (she's not explicitly aware nor is she into this sort of thing) may be at odds with others values, not one to judge as the world takes all sorts to make it work!
I just find it a useful release to be able to talk and express my pedillicitions with others willing to do's also got to be cheaper than professional therapy! LOL (That's not meant to indicate that I have any worse problems than 99% of the British public! wink )
Thanks anyway for taking the time to reply.......I do like this site and some of the people on it!
:cry: SOME????????????????
Hi Jags
is that for 99% of British Public or that a LOT of people don't approve of surfing without partners knowledge?
lol :lol:
Go with your flow!
Quote by Sappho
Get to know people in the main room, remain polites, join in the banter and become known as a nice bloke, and the pvts will come.

That sentence says it all. I vote we add it to the chat room rules and make everyone read it and click 'ok' before they can get in the room. biggrin