Hi I know you only registered today but have you had a serious look round this site?
The chances of you actually getting what you're looking for are very slim to say the least even more so since your ad tells the folks looking at it very little about yourself or your partner.
Sorry to shatter the illusion but this site isn't a "place a post and get a fuck" site, take a look around and you'll see that the successful ads are those that put some effort into their ads and get themselves known, over time, around the different forums.
A fair point Kardiff but time is of the essense here I'm afraid. And you know what Mr Trotter said " He who dares, Rodney!"
Well you've got more chance of being a "millionaire this time next year!"
You know when you've been trottered!
Too many idle minds about!! But very funny all the same.
See you all in Swindon tomorrow