Cool I promise not to be bad ( well not much lol) at the next one.
Hi I'd love to come if i can... I'd love to meet up with others from Glagow area....Can I come Please?
Hi Lucy, Assuming I don't get a last-minute gig & that getting the boiler repaired (for the second time in a month) doesn't take all my spare cash I just might be in the mood for a night out.
BTW, I can never get your avatar to animate for some reason....
Sounds good. Would be nice to meet some others from here. Where did you intend to meet?
I'm going to be in Glasgow at the weekend but am booked for dinner in Edinburgh on Saturday night... typical! Would have been good to meet up with some people.
*don't you just HATE this type of post - Fuckity Fuck (tmJags2004) - those that say 'I would if I could but I can't'*
:P :P