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Glasgow Wank Club

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Quote by Liam101
This is looking like a no-go guys.
Thats a shame because it could have been fun.

I've been traking this thread since it was started and was about to add my name to the list of 'i'll come along's' but it looks like it's a no go. It's a shame as there's not a lot of action in the Glasgow area (or indeed scotland). There are no 'health clubs' or 'saunas' such as cupids or rio's to which I have been several times.
I have an idea. Hope I'm not jumping in with my size 10's.....
1) I'll propose 2 dates / times.
Thursday (7th July) Afternoon - say 3pm for a couple of hours; or
Friday (8th July) Evening - say 7pm fopr a couple of hours
Please PM me with your preference & whether you can make either or only one of these.
2) Since no-one is willing to accomodate this meeting, I propose we meet in a local hotel. I have held similar parties in the past. Examples would be Travel Inn etc. I know of a couple where there is no need to walk through reception and the cost per head is minimal. I am willing to arrange this & provide details via PM if I get enough interest. If I get a lot of interest, I know of a lodge which I could rent for #70 for a night - split say 7 ways is only #10 - you get the idea!
3)I would agree that a female presence would be good. I don't think we should discount a female just because she doesn't want to participate. If you are a female who is interested, PM me. I will ensure that everyone attending is clear on whatever rules / preferences are set.
4) I propose this is also open to couples - the more the merrier!
Let me know what you all think. Don't hang about, the first meet (of many hopefully) could be as early as Thursday!
Look forward to hearing from you all!
Andy :P
Sounds like a plan to me.
would maybe be an idea for interested guys to meet up for drinks or something. Think people are totally dismissing accomodating just they dont want to clean up after complete strangers! ps i want a piss up
Quote by glasgowswingers
This is looking like a no-go guys.
Thats a shame because it could have been fun.

I've been traking this thread since it was started and was about to add my name to the list of 'i'll come along's' but it looks like it's a no go. It's a shame as there's not a lot of action in the Glasgow area (or indeed scotland). There are no 'health clubs' or 'saunas' such as cupids or rio's to which I have been several times.
I have an idea. Hope I'm not jumping in with my size 10's.....
1) I'll propose 2 dates / times.
Thursday (7th July) Afternoon - say 3pm for a couple of hours; or
Friday (8th July) Evening - say 7pm fopr a couple of hours
Please PM me with your preference & whether you can make either or only one of these.
2) Since no-one is willing to accomodate this meeting, I propose we meet in a local hotel. I have held similar parties in the past. Examples would be Travel Inn etc. I know of a couple where there is no need to walk through reception and the cost per head is minimal. I am willing to arrange this & provide details via PM if I get enough interest. If I get a lot of interest, I know of a lodge which I could rent for #70 for a night - split say 7 ways is only #10 - you get the idea!
3)I would agree that a female presence would be good. I don't think we should discount a female just because she doesn't want to participate. If you are a female who is interested, PM me. I will ensure that everyone attending is clear on whatever rules / preferences are set.
4) I propose this is also open to couples - the more the merrier!
Let me know what you all think. Don't hang about, the first meet (of many hopefully) could be as early as Thursday!
Look forward to hearing from you all!
Andy :P
Forum Virgin
Sounds like a great plan. The drink before hand (no pun intended!) would help break the ice.
In Edinburgh but happy to come through.
Keep me posted as it sounds great!
Forum Virgin
I'm brand new on here but definitely would be interested, tho' can't make today or tomorrow. I'll keep an eye on this topic, hoping for developments. Great idea!
Well - sorry all. Looks like this is a no-go!
I've had 2 PM's both from guys - that's it! Well done to the last post-er who had lots of interest.
It was a nice thought & i really wouldn't have minded arranging these on a regular basis!
Still feel free to PM me if you are interested & if I get a reasonable number of people I'll try & arrange something some other time
I could probably accommodate today, if anyone is interested? And particularly if we can get a woman to come along....
i could accom tomorrow, getting a women along seems to be the problem. but I dont mind accom for a few hours if anyone has got some good porn dvd's and a few beers.
my place is on south side of glasgow
Bringing this back to the top incase anyone fancies it now. Im willing to host this and my partner will be involved as well, not having full sex but giving a helping hand and no doubt her toys will make an appearance at some point as well. smile
No idea about dates yet but can accomodate around 6-8 people for the day and it would have to be a weekend, preferably a Sunday afternoon or evening. Singles or couples welcome but my girlfriend would really like another girl to be present even if shes not taking part just to even the numbers up a bit.
pm's or post in here if your interested.
Yeah, I'm definitely still interested. Sunday is probably the best day for me anyway, so glad you suggested it. Let me know if get much interest. Cheers
If anyone fancies cummin gover a tranny let me know can't accomodate though
sounds a good offer linda, pity you cant accom though